Monthly Archives: June 2017

#Slaves, “Southern Charm” and the @WheelofFortune

‘Wheel of Fortune’ issues statement after appearing to use slave background in “Southern Charm” week – In response to the controversy, series executive producer Harry Friedman has issued the following statement to Entertainment Weekly: “We regret the use of this background image, and we will be replacing it moving forward on any rebroadcast.” Photographer Joshua […]

#CharleenaLyles / #BlackLivesMatter

Woman with knife killed by officers after calling police; children found in her Magnuson apartment | The Seattle Times – Just after 10 a.m. Sunday Seattle police responded after the woman had called to report an attempted burglary at her Magnuson Park apartment. At some point she brandished a knife and officers shot and killed […]

Pro-law enforcement group to hold “Meet and Greet” for #BettyShelby | KTUL

Pro-law enforcement group to hold “Meet and Greet” for Betty Shelby | KTUL – TULSA, Okla., (KTUL) — A pro-law enforcement group is planning a meet and greet with Betty Shelby next weekend weeks after not-guilty verdict. Shelby’s attorney Shannon McMurray confirmed to Tulsa’s Channel 8 today the meeting’s purpose: to let Shelby know she […]

#ColonialCanada Had #Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters Today

Colonial Canada Had Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters Today — This is true, and we should be proud. But let’s not be too proud — after all, the colonies that became Canada also had slavery for more than two centuries, ending only 30 years before U.S. President Abraham Lincoln […]

#FarRight >> Fired charter school principal says he would ‘exact a bloody revenge’ | WGNO

Fired charter school principal says he would ‘exact a bloody revenge’ | WGNO – Decrying his “shackled wrists,” Dean writes that the claim that the rings he was wearing in the video are “Nazi SS rings” is a lie that ended his professional life, which he said is in “smoldering ruins.” “…I turn my face […]

#Cuba / #Racism #Trump #Discrimination / #HumanRights #Africans / #Indigenous | Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco

#Cuba / #Racism #Trump #Discrimination / #HumanRights #Africans / #Indigenous | Indiĝenaj Inteligenteco – On Friday in the anti-Castro stronghold of Miami, Trump listed a litany of purported abuses administered by the Castro regime, including the harboring of Assata Shakur, saying, “The Castro regime has shipped arms to North Korea and fueled chaos in Venezuela. […]

#Colonialism as ‘violence in its natural state’ – Essay — A Black Writer in #Berlin

Originally posted on Cure Curious: * This essay was written for the subject ‘Global Criminology’. Full bibliographical details are at the end of this document. By Nessa. 1 Introduction Franz Fanon was a fearless critic of colonialism and a key figure in Algeria’s struggle for independence from French colonial rule. He condemned colonialism in… via Colonialism […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Convert To White Supremacy |

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Convert To White Supremacy | – By Hakeem Muhammad In Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s recent op-ed, From Selma to Tunis: When Will We March Against the Segregation of Our Own Time, the Somalian ex-Muslim activist posits that segregation within Western liberal states is a phenomenon of the past. She asserts that racism […]

#PhilandoCastile / #Minnesota / #BlackLivesMatter

Philando Castile Minnesota police shooting: officer cleared of manslaughter charge – Vox – After 27 hours of deliberation, the jury found St. Anthony, Minnesota, police officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty for manslaughter, as well as two counts of dangerous discharge of a firearm, according to the Star Tribune. The July 2016 shooting captured nationwide attention […]

#FactCheck: Is #LeftWing Violence Rising? : NPR

Fact Check: Is Left-Wing Violence Rising? : NPR – Antifa are not new. They’re a latter-day version of the anarchists and “black bloc” groups who, over the years, have often challenged police and broken windows during May Day protests in Seattle and Portland. Their membership is hard to track, but it appears to be expanding […]

Ferguson, MO: Reverend Carlton Lee, Mike Brown Sr.’s Pastor, Dies at 34 | Democracy Now!

Ferguson, MO: Reverend Carlton Lee, Mike Brown Sr.’s Pastor, Dies at 34 | Democracy Now! – And the president of the National Action Network’s Ferguson, Missouri, chapter, Reverend Carlton Lee, has died at the age of 34. Lee was the pastor of Flood Christian Church in Ferguson. He was an outspoken activist for justice for […] // Trump’s Employees Marked “C” for “Colored” 5/25/2016

Trump’s Employees Marked “C” for “Colored” – American Bridge PAC — 1972: Undercover Testers Found Trump’s Real Estate Company Refused To Rent To Black People Undercover Testers For A Government Investigation Found That Donald Trump’s Real Estate Company Denied Apartments Were Available To A Black Investigator And Offered Two On The Same Day To A […]

Action Alert: With Sleazy Innuendo, NYT Lays Virginia Attack at Bernie Sanders’ Feet | FAIR

Action Alert: With Sleazy Innuendo, NYT Lays Virginia Attack at Bernie Sanders’ Feet | FAIR – New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor (6/14/17) started with a false premise and patched together a dodgy piece of innuendo and guilt-by-association in order to place the blame for a shooting in Virginia on “the most ardent supporters of […]

The Assassination of #Russia – FSB false flag bombings of 1999

— Rogue FSB agents caught planting explosives into a basement of an apartment building in town of Ryazan, 100 km outside Moscow. Material tested as ‘hexagen’ by the police. Officials later try to claim there were no real explosives and that it was only an exercise. – – Take care Tony, that man has blood […]

#neoNazi / #Terrorism / #Xenophobia / #Sweden / #Fascism

Bilist som körde in i asylmanifestation i Malmö har erkänt | SVT Nyheter – Bilist som körde in i asylmanifestation i Malmö har erkänt | SVT Nyheter – Den 22-åring som försökte köra in i en demonstration utanför Migrationsverket i Malmö har erkänt, rapporterar Aftonbladet. Det var i söndags som mannen i hög fart körde […]

rEVILution: The Rise of Right-Wing Terrorism (Documentary)

Since the election of President Barack Obama in 2008, the number of right-wing so called “Patriot” militia groups has increased eight-fold, and the number of right-wing terrorist plots has skyrocketed. According the West Point Counterterrorism Agency, there have been more right-wing terror plots since 9/11 than Islamic terror plots. This documentary explores the roots of […]

#Inuk Grandmother defiant after being locked in men’s prison, strip searched – APTN News

Inuk Grandmother defiant after being locked in men’s prison, strip searched – APTN News – “I was fearful. What if I didn’t get to see my kids again?” said Hunter. “It really hit me. I couldn’t believe it. I looked out the window to make sure I saw my kid’s house, my sister’s house. The […]

ANF | Father-daughter fighting on the same frontline in #Shengal

ANF | Father-daughter fighting on the same frontline in Shengal – One of the villages ISIS massacred Êzidî Kurds in on August 3, 2014 is Shengal’s Kocho village. YBŞ fighter Ibrahim Murad Hewîn (50) is one of the survivors. Hewîn took his place in the ranks of YBŞ, which he sees as the guarantee for […]

#AfroAmericans / #Voting

Black Civil Rights Groups To Meet With Democratic Leaders On Voting – Black Politics on the Web – The meeting will be the first since the NAACP, the oldest civil rights group in the country, announced that it would not be renewing the contract of former president and CEO Cornell William Brooks. His firing was […]

#Norway Supreme Court turns down mass murderer #Breivik’s appeal

I CARE – – News – Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe: 8/6/2017- The Norwegian Supreme Court will not take up an appeal lodged by Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik protesting against his prison conditions, the court said on Thursday. Breivik was seeking to overturn a March decision by a Norwegian appeals court that ruled […]

#Bosnian #Serbs to Ban Lessons on #SrebrenicaGenocide

I CARE – – News – Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe — 6/6/2017- Children in Republika Srpska’s schools will never be taught about the Srebrenica genocide and the siege of Sarajevo, President Milorad Dodik told a press conference in Banja Luka on Tuesday amid controversy over a proposed ban on textbooks that include the subjects. […]

#Africans / #Colourism / #Colonialism / #Society

Your Blackness Isn’t Like Mine:  Colorism And Oppression Olympics | HuffPost – Williams’ speech was profound and emblematic of what it means to be “truly woke,” yet for some it wasn’t enough. While many tweeted their adoration for his message, there was a vocal group of people expressing their frustration that Williams — a light-skinned, […]

#FactCheck / #TheMatrix / #UrbanMyths

— The Billion-Dollar Myth – latimes — The ‘Matrix’ movies portray a frightening alternate reality. When a writer sued the movies’ creators for stealing her ideas, she inadvertently exposed another reality–a racial one–that’s no less troubling. By Kemp Powers July 31, 2005|Kemp Powers is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles. Sophia Stewart didn’t attend […]

#Rodman / #NorthKorea / #Trump

Dennis Rodman is on his way to North Korea. Was he sent by Trump? – The Washington Post – Rodman’s trip has sparked speculation that he may be traveling to free some or all of the four American citizens being held by North Korea, perhaps as a first and important step toward lessening tensions between […]

No Man’s Land Jewish Voice for Peace Jewish Voice for Peace

[A film by Rebecca Pierce‏ // @aptly_engineerd] No Man’s Land follows Moroccan Jewish activist and former Israeli Black Panther leader Reuven Abergel as he leads a tour of Musrara neighborhood in Jerusalem. Using the historical landscape of the city, Reuven recounts the history of the Israeli Black Panthers, a protest group started by Mizrahi Jews […]

#BlackLiberation vs. #AfricanFascism

Huey Newton Foundation: There Is No New Black Panther Party – In response from numerous requests from individual’s seeking information on the “New Black Panthers,” the Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation issues this public statement to correct the distorted record being made in the media by a small band of African Americans calling themselves the […]

#Fascism / #MainstreamMedia / #ConspiracyTheories / #alt-Reich

Megyn Kelly turned to Alex Jones because her struggling show needs a viral moment – It is extremely difficult to successfully interview a conspiracy theorist who is willing to lie about what he has previously alleged. The subject can often run circles around the interviewer both because he is inevitably more familiar with the nuances […]

#Scotland / #neoNazi / #Terrorism / #Fascism / #Europe

[An undercover probe by the Record and investigative website The Ferret secretly filmed a Scottish Dawn activist admitting their links to National Action.] // Banned neo-Nazi group involved in terrorism behind new right-wing organisation recruiting in Scotland – Daily Record – We filmed two Scottish Dawn members after setting up a meeting in a pub […]

Allison Davis: Forgotten black scholar studied – and faced – structural racism in 1940s Amerika

Allison Davis, circa 1965. Courtesy of the Davis family. When black historian Carter G. Woodson founded Negro History Week in 1926 (expanded to Black History Month in 1976), the prevailing sentiment was that black people had no history. They were little more than the hewers of wood and the drawers of water who, […] via Allison […]

The battle for #Raqqa / #AntiFascism

The battle for Raqqa: Who controls what | ISIS | Al Jazeera – The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the United States’ closest ally in Syria, has begun the final push for Raqqa, one of the last and most important strongholds of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS). Most […]