Category Indigenismo

proudblacksista: Return our People | Ramblings…

Return our People | Ramblings… – They, being the museums, tell us that they are not the owners of these remains, but the keepers of them until they can be handed back to the families and communities to have a burial or to be housed in somewhere safe. But these people and the hair samples […]

Zanj Rebellion – Wikipedia

Zanj Rebellion – The Zanj Rebellion or the Negro Rebellion was the culmination of series of small revolts. It took place near the city of Basra, located in present-day southern Iraq, over a period of fifteen years (AD 869–883). The insurrection is believed to have involved enslaved Bantus (Zanj) that had originally been captured from […]

Reclaiming his indigenous name: Khelsilem’s story – Home | New Fire with Lisa Charleyboy | CBC Radio

‘Rebranding’ himself as Khelsilem was based on where that particular name comes from.”Khelsilem comes from a family that did a lot of work that was very public – canoe building and carving,” he said.”These are things that are done in a private sense but then shared with the world afterwards.”As he was getting ready to […]

I Am a Native American Woman With White Privilege | Yes, I Said; Yes, I Will, Yes.

There are a lot of ways in which it sucks to be a light or white-presenting Native American. I’m often not recognizable, even to people of my own nationality. Sometimes, I even have to perform to be seen by myself, as if by wearing turquoise and beadwork, I won’t get so lost in the Western […]

4thWorldRadyo: La Zapatistas – The Ongoing Struggle Against neo-Colonialism with the AngryWhiteKid | APNS Public Radyo

Summary: TheAngryindian speaks with US Social Justice activist and anti-colonialist news blogger Scott Campbell a.k.a., the ‘AngryWhiteKid’ ( /@angrywhitekid) about recent developments and communiqués from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN – and how their struggle relates to other Indigenous political and liberation (and survival) efforts in the Américas and across the Fourth World. Listen / […]

The stigma for descendants of African slaves – Jori Lewis – Aeon

Though legal slavery in Senegal has been over for more than 100 years, I was curious about how the descendants of slaves in that Sine-Saloum village saw their legacy. I wanted to talk to them about their experiences and try to understand their stories. But my boyfriend refused. He said that if I asked people […]

Malcolm X Matters: Icon’s Words Still Ring True | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Malcolm didn’t tiptoe around diagnosing the illness of white supremacy or pointing out its symptoms in the form of religious terrorism and police brutality. He boldly declared that systemic racism is not baseless conjecture; rather, it is a deeply embedded statement of fact that provides the framework for the United States of America. Malcolm X […]

Fourth World Radyo: 500 More Years of White Racist Colonialism And Abuse? | APNS Public Radyo

Summary: TheAngryindian offers his thoughts on the daylight, public execution of Walter Scott by a murderous United States police officer in the American South; his disgust at the unforgivable colonialist disrespect and institutional misogyny shown by the Euro-settler Canadian justice system to the loss of First Nations #MMIW victim, Sister Cindy Gladue and some brief comments on the Death-by-Neglect […]

FBI confirms black activist Ray Robinson was killed during 1973 occupation of Wounded Knee – CBS News

Desiree Marks, who’s held out hope for 40 years that she’d see her father again, said she was crushed by the FBI’s confirmation of his death. “I’ve always thought that might not be the case. He may come home. He may be alive. He may, he may, he may,” Marks told The Associated Press on […]

Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan, a.k.a. Dr. Ben joins the ancestors | New York Amsterdam News: The new Black view

After being bed-ridden and placed in a specialized care unit at the Bay Park Nursing Home for the past several weeks, legendary Kemetaphysician Dr. Yosef A.A. ben-Jochannan, a.k.a. Dr. Ben, transitioned on to the ancestral realm Thursday (March 19) at approximately 3:30 a.m. Those close to him said he had stopped eating and drinking several […]

The Capitalist Origins of the Oppression of African Women » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Matriarchy in ancient Africa was not a mirror image of patriarchy today, as it was not based on appropriation and violence. The rituals and culture of matriarchy did not celebrate violence; rather, they had a lot to do with fecundity, exchange and redistribution. Early man was unaware of the link between intercourse and birth, therefore […]

4th World Radyo: Conscious Being And Ethical Nothingness 01.03.2015 | APNS Public Radyo

4th World Radyo: Conscious Being And Ethical Nothingness 01.03.2015 by aboriginalpress Summary: TheAngryindian offers his thoughts on the untimely transition of North American Indigenous activist and Leonard Peltier supporter Ms. Joan Rodriguez (known on Twitter as @Joanie399) and the passing of actor Leonard Nimoy and his importance as a cultural icon for people of mixed-heritage around […]

‘Land is a Relationship’: In conversation with Glen Coulthard on Indigenous nationhood |

Coulthard is a member of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation, an assistant professor at UBC, and involved with the Dechinta Bush University. His debut book Red Skins, White Masks is a trail-blazing opus, quickly gathering a storm of praise and becoming a manifesto for Indigenous resurgence within academic, activist and community circles, as well as […]

Malcolm X’s daughter on Juneteenth: ‘We’re in denial of the African holocaust’ | World news | The Guardian

Juneteenth is a celebration that takes place annually on the 19 June to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States. Juneteenth is recognized in most US states, and, in 1997, Congress officially recognized the day as Juneteenth Independence Day. Shabazz spoke passionately and at times poignantly of the African American experience, and said […]

Racism gets in the way of Romance, says new CBC poll – Manitoba – CBC News

Only 50 per cent of people from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta said they would be OK with a romantic relationship with an aboriginal person. That compares with the national average of 63 per cent.Mark Grindey did not let racism get in the way of love when he proposed 38 years ago to Shirley McLean, a […]

Carlota, leader of the 1843 slave rebellion in Triumvirato, Matanzas

Introduction In order to understand liberation processes in the Caribbean we have to take into account all occurrences which preceded our days and contributed to the formation of our collective consciousness. Cuba, in this sense, possesses an impressive historical legacy of which needs more discussion. Women in Cuba, generally speaking, played a very important role […]

Caged Warrior – Leonard #Peltier

With its COINTELPRO brainchild, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI operatives had a mission of quashing all movements considered subversive, using divide-and-conquer tactics, flooding inner-city neighborhoods with drugs, tying up movement hands with false arrests and trials, and complicity in cruel and torturous measures. The main targets of their aggressive attacks were the Black Panthers and the […]

As Long As Grass Grows or Water Runs – []

And so, Indian Removal, as it has been politely called, cleared the land for white occupancy between the Appalachians and the Mississippi, cleared it for cotton in the South and grain in the North, for expansion, immigration, canals, railroads, new cities, and the building of a huge continental empire clear across to the Pacific Ocean. […]

Message from Leonard Peltier 08/28/2014… – Friends of Peltier

The Constitution of the United states was a copy of Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy Law. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin all wrote down as to where they got the ideas and inspiration from. The main premise of the constitution being, you have the freedom to do anything you want as long as you don’t […]

Gaza: el genocidio y sus sinrazones – Por: Atilio Borón

En medio del espanto y del baño de sangre que inunda Gaza se oye una voz, metálica, glacial. Pronuncia un soliloquio similar al que en su obra Enrique VI William Shakespeare puso en boca de Ricardo, un ser deforme, monstruoso, pero aguijoneado por una ambición ilimitada y orgulloso de su villanía: “Soy el espíritu del […]

Holocausto palestino en Gaza › Cuba › Granma – Órgano oficial del PCC

Las escribo con rapidez solo para dejar constancia de lo que se requiere meditar profundamente.Pienso que una nueva y repugnante forma de fascismo está surgiendo con notable fuerza en este momento de la historia humana, en el que más de siete mil millones de habitantes se esfuerzan por la propia supervivencia.Ninguna de estas circunstancias tiene […]

History of Lynching in the United States, Jana Evans Braziel

“Mob violence against African-Americans served four functions within southern society during the lynching era: to eradicate specific persons accused of crimes against the white community; as a mechanism of state-sanctioned terrorism designed to maintain a degree of leverage over the African-American population; to eliminate or neutralize competitors for social, economic, or political rewards; and as […]

Thomas Fuller African ”slave” And Mathematician.

[] Thomas Fuller, known as the Virginia Calculator, was stolen from his native Africa at the age of fourteen and sold to a planter. When he was about seventy years old, two gentlemen, natives of Pennsylvania, viz., William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates, men of probity and respectable characters, having heard, in travelling through the neighbourhood […]

Malcolm X: Resisting colonialism | New York Amsterdam News: The new Black view

Having implemented the “back to Africa” philosophy from his Garveyite upbringing, along El Hajj Malik El Shabazz’s global travels he had personally met and formed alliances with “11 heads of state from Africa, Che Guevara and Fidel Castro,” reflects Malcolm’s comrade, Brother Abdullah Abdur-Razzaq, formerly known as Lieutenant James 67X in the Nation of Islam’s […]

Michael Oluwagbemi: Does African Philosophy Exist?

At the heart of most African Philosophy is the concept of communalism which is not socialism, communism, capitalism nor the other “isms” of the West. It is high time we market this unique brand of economic system: if capitalism legalized lobbying bribery of legislators in America, communalism should legalize gift-giving bribery in Nigeria. Is it […]

Malcolm X’s daughter on Juneteenth: ‘We’re in denial of the African holocaust’ | World news |

“We’re in denial of the African holocaust,” Shabazz said. “Most times, people don’t want to talk about it. One is often restless or termed a racist just for having compassion for the African experience, for speaking truth to the trans-Atlantic and Arab slave trades, for speaking truth to the significant omission of our history. We […]

Africans in America/Part 4/”Diseases and Peculiarities”

If the white man attempts to oppose the Deity’s will, by trying to make the negro anything else than “the submissive knee-bender,” which the Almighty declared he should be, by trying to raise him to a level with himself, or by putting himself on an equality with the negro; or if he abuses the power […]

Allah School In Atlantis

[A.S.I.A. Journal by Saladin Quanaah’ Allah] We are pro-righteous and anti-devilishment, regardless of a person’s skin color, ethnicity, religion or nationality. If any member of our human family has the willingness to learn to be righteous, we help provide them with the education and tools to do it. This does not mean that they need […]

Petition | Remove your video “Peace Pipe” and apologize !!!! |

Mr. Emerson Windy – Looks like a lot of work and money got put in to your peace pipe video. I am sad to say, that while the beat and production was very good it is overshadowed by the absolute disregard of native peoples and their ways of life. It is painfully obvious that you […]

canada ukraine and the ghosts of babi yar – j.b.gerald

Canadians are also protected from self recognition by the government’s acquiescence to U.S. policies which are war crimes. The Canadian legal community’s lack of challenge and countering the government’s crimes and deprivations of justice to citizen, shares the blame. While Canadian agencies are complicit in the war crime of torturing Canadian citizens, no Canadian government […]