Monthly Archives: June 2017

#AfricanHistory // Biography of #AndimbaYaToivo

Biography of Andimba Ya Toivo – Toivo, although a member of the Anglican Church, stayed in constant, close contact with Leonard Auala from the Evangelical Lutheran Ovambo-Kavango Church (ELOC). Because of OPO’s (later SWAPO’s) deep roots in the Ovambo people, ELOC subsequently gave its support to this national liberation movement. Members and supporters of SWAPO […]

‘Now we have proof’: Data shows Edmonton police disproportionately stop Indigenous and black people | Metro Edmonton

‘Now we have proof’: Data shows Edmonton police disproportionately stop Indigenous and black people | Metro Edmonton – By: Kevin Maimann Metro Published on Indigenous and black people are significantly more likely to be stopped and questioned by Edmonton police, according to new data. Some are calling on the province to end street checks, commonly […]

Sleep May Suffer in Blacks Who Face Discrimination | DiversityInc

Sleep May Suffer in Blacks Who Face Discrimination | DiversityInc – Between 2000 and 2004 and again between 2008 and 2012, study participants completed the Modified Williams Everyday Discrimination Scale, a questionnaire that asks about the frequency of experiences with everyday mistreatment. For example: How often on a day-to-day basis do you have the following […]

Emma: #SouthAfrican ‘All-White’ Church Stops #Black Worshipper

Unbelievable! South African ‘All-White’ Church Stops Black From Attending Service – The Herald Nigeria – A South African church, the Afrikaanse Protestante Kerk, has stopped blacks from worshiping there. It was gathered that the church which is located in Orania –an Afrikaans-only South African town –along Orange River banks, in Karoo area of Northern Cape […]

#Éire / #Ireland / #PostColonialism / #Nationalism / #Language / #Unionism / #SinnFéin

Irish Language Act hampering Northern Ireland power-sharing | UK news | The Guardian – As Thursday’s deadline looms, the establishment of such an act remains one of the republican party’s core demands in the negotiations and, if agreed on by unionists, would put Irish on an equal par with English in the region. Speaking at […]

#Canadian #press defenceless, as House fails to pass shield bill – IFEX

Canadian press defenceless, as House fails to pass shield bill – IFEX – “We’re disappointed that Members of Parliament were unable to take this simple step to protect press freedom in Canada,” says Tom Henheffer, Executive Director of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression. “Bill S-231 would be the beginning of full legal recognition for the […]

Alexis Wright: What Happens When You Tell Somebody Else’s Story?

[] Aboriginal people have not been in charge of the stories other people tell about us. The question then was, how should I be an Aboriginal writer when the stories that were being told nationally about us would shape and impact on what I can do as a writer? I wanted to explore what happened […]

Stanley L Cohen : Jim Crow is alive and well in Israel

Jim Crow is alive and well in Israel | | Al Jazeera – Indeed, the idea that race or religious separation was not only preferable, but helpful to one another’s ability to chart their own separate but equal course, became a perverse intellectual exercise which fundamentally did nothing more than exalt the supremacy of one […]

Endangered archives blog: A new chapter in the story of Timbuktu’s manuscripts: Sample digitisation of materials from the Infa Yattara Family Library

Endangered archives blog: A new chapter in the story of Timbuktu’s manuscripts: Sample digitisation of materials from the Infa Yattara Family Library – Madame Fati greets me at the door when I arrive, and Daniel, my apprentice who is learning the art of manuscript photography among other aspects of basic preservation, descends, two steps at […]

#Cuba / #Americas / #USA / #Narcotics / #HumanRights

US Human Rights Record, Not Cuba’s, Should Be Condemned | Opinion | teleSUR English – These are people who have no concept of what human rights and freedom for a people mean. And this doesn’t just mean Donald Trump. This applies also to all U.S. political officials who uphold the capitalist, imperialist system. Trump himself […]

Rape Victim in Alabama Killed Herself After Police ‘Bullied’ Her to Protect the Wealthy Alleged Attacker | Alternet

Rape Victim in Alabama Killed Herself After Police ‘Bullied’ Her to Protect the Wealthy Alleged Attacker | Alternet [Bob Brigham] – Megan Rondini, a 3.8 GPA student who had received a coveted spot in a special MBA program for high achievers in STEM fields, hanged herself in February 2016 after allegedly being raped by “one […]

#NOI / #Vaccines / #ConspiracyTheories

The Anti-Vaccination Movement Is Working with the Nation of Islam to Scare Black Families  – [Anna Merlan] – “I don’t think you heard me,” he told his audience. “We are living in a wicked time, where we’re dealing with a spiritual wickedness in high places!” Muhammad likened vaccinations to Pharaoh killing the sons of the […]

So do you condone the assaulting of random people for not supporting your beliefs?

So do you condone the assaulting of random people for not supporting your beliefs? // asked by angrystonedginger Don’t get it twisted, son. 1) Antifascist “beliefs” boil down to this: that people should be able to exist and live their lives no matter their “race,” ethnicity, membership in a religious or linguistic minority, disabilities, gender or sexual […]

Peter Harmsen: A #Chinese in the #German #Wehrmacht

A Chinese in the German Wehrmacht | Shanghai 1937 – There was no fighting, as the union with Germany was generally welcomed by the Austrians. Instead, Chiang Wei-kuo and other officer candidates ended up commanding Austrian army units as they were incorporated into the Wehrmacht, according to Jay Taylor, the biographer of Chiang Wei-kuo’s stepbrother […]

Der Hidden Führer // #Gay #Fascists & #neoNazis

— The Hidden Hitler – Wikipedia – The Hidden Hitler (German: Hitlers Geheimnis. Das Doppelleben eines Diktators; the title translates literally as “Hitler’s Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator”) is a 2001 book by German professor and historian Lothar Machtan. The German original was published by Alexander Fest Verlag, while the English-translated version was […]

White supremacists gave 6 Nazi spies a memorial — on federal land

White supremacists gave 6 Nazi spies a memorial — on federal land – U.S. – Stripes – WASHINGTON — A team of power company workers were trudging through a seldom-visited thicket in Southwest Washington when they spotted something odd in a ditch. Protruding from the grass was a rectangular slab of granite. They looked closer, […]

#Trump Administration pulling Grant From Organisation Dedicated to Stopping #neoNazis/#altReich

The Trump Administration Is Pulling a Grant From a Group That Combats Neo-Nazis – Mother Jones [ Josh HarkinsonJun. 23, 2017 4:27 PM ] – “Obviously we are disappointed in that decision,” Life After Hate co-founder and board member Tony McAlver told Mother Jones. Comprised of 50 former members of right-wing hate groups, Life After […]

#Antifa / #Portland #PDX / Police / #Fascism

— Mike Marshman Says Detaining, Photographing Demonstrators Was Necessary to Curtail Violence in June 4 Protests – Blogtown – Portland Mercury by Dirk VanderHart – “The temporary detention of these persons was done after consultation with the City Attorney’s Office and the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office,” Marshman writes, of a police “kettle” of demonstrators […]

Here’s Why the FBI Spied on #JamesBaldwin | teleSUR English

Here’s Why the FBI Spied on James Baldwin | News | teleSUR English – It also collected documents on other writers, like a 110-page file on Truman Capote and 276 pages on Richard Wright. The size of the file apparently depended on activism and links to other radicals. Baldwin’s file is half the size of […]

#BlackWomenMatter / #CharleenaLyles

Black Women Matter: Rally calls for justice after death of Charleena Lyles | – Organizers say it was no coincidence that only women spoke at the Black Women Matter event. It was planned that way, on purpose. “Charleena Lyles’ life mattered! Black women’s lives matter,” one woman told the crowd. “We’re standing here saying […]

Peter Tosh’s Son Beaten Into Coma In New Jersey Jail : The Record : NPR

Peter Tosh’s Son Beaten Into Coma In New Jersey Jail : The Record : NPR – According to McIntosh’s family, the beating occurred on Feb. 21; the resulting brain injuries were so severe that he has been comatose ever since. He was first hospitalized at New Jersey’s Hackensack Medical Center and has since been moved […]

#African Origins of #Coffee: Following Roots in #Ethiopia | Sarah Khan

African Origins of Coffee: Following Roots in Ethiopia | Sarah Khan – Coffee, the other black gold, is the world’s most widely traded tropical agricultural commodity, and second only to petroleum, the most traded commodity. Coffee accounts for global exports worth more than $15 billion. In 2009 and 2010 alone, 93.4 million bags of coffee […]

No Indictment for Portland Police Officer Who Killed #TerrellJohnson – Blogtown – #Portland Mercury

No Indictment for Portland Police Officer Who Killed Terrell Johnson – Blogtown – Portland Mercury – According to police, someone called 911 on May 10 to report that Johnson was threatening people at the transit stop near Southeast Foster and 92nd. A West Linn officer assigned to the Transit Division arrived and spoke with Johnson, […]

#Minnesota: Video Shows 4-Year-Old Consoling Mother After Police Shooting | Democracy Now!

Minnesota: Video Shows 4-Year-Old Consoling Mother After Police Shooting | Democracy Now! — Minnesota: Video Shows 4-Year-Old Consoling Mother After Police Shooting | Democracy Now! – In Minnesota, new video shows the 4-year-old daughter of Diamond Reynolds consoling her heartbroken mother, who is handcuffed in the back of a police squad car minutes after St. […]

#AynRand Was a #Welfare Queen

Book: Ayn Rand Was a Welfare Queen | The Nattering Nabobs – Rand, who passed away in 1982, has been enjoying something of a rebirth in recent years as conservative and libertarian politicians in the United States point to her work as a model for their vision of America. Paul Ryan, the vice presidential candidate […]

ANF | Father-daughter fighting on the same frontline in Shengal

ANF | Father-daughter fighting on the same frontline in Shengal – One of the villages ISIS massacred Êzidî Kurds in on August 3, 2014 is Shengal’s Kocho village. YBŞ fighter Ibrahim Murad Hewîn (50) is one of the survivors. Hewîn took his place in the ranks of YBŞ, which he sees as the guarantee for […]

4th World Radyo // An Unaccompanied Dialectic on Postcolonial African Angst and Subversively Critical non-Participation

— Summary: With White-Supremacist terrorism becoming an everyday reality in North America, FWR host @TheAngryindian – via the medium of (AfroIndio) spoken word – offers a personal deconstructionist perspective based upon his own experiences growing-up within an ideological and intellectually-rich African-Resistance environment. Although his criticisms are not meant to insult or demean the modern African […]

Otman Aitlkaboud: #JewishArabs and the birth of #Israel’s #BlackPanthers

Jewish Arabs and the birth of Israel’s Black Panthers – Wadi Salib was the earliest case of widespread internal insurrection within Israel. To many Mizrahim, the protests at Wadi Salib and across Israel marked a watershed moment, which contextualised the disparity between their own community, known as the Olim Hadashim [“new immigrants”] with that of […]

Itamar Eichner: Protests erupt in Kiev against renaming main street after SS officer

Ynetnews News – Protests erupt in Kiev against renaming main street after SS officer – In October 2009, the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko even gave Shukhevych the title of hero of Ukraine, even though he took part in an ethnic cleansing. The decision was passed by the city council on June 1 with a majority […]

Supreme Court: Yes, You Can Trademark Disparaging Racial Slurs Like R-Word – Indian Country Media Network

Supreme Court: Yes, You Can Trademark Disparaging Racial Slurs Like R-Word – Indian Country Media Network – [Lynn Cordova • June 19, 2017 ] – Change The Mascot, a group of Natives and allies advocating for the repeal of the Washington NFL team’s name, said the ruling does not change the definition of the word […]