Monthly Archives: January 2017

Who dares to say it is a bad fight?

CNI & EZLN at “The Zapatistas and ConSciences For Humanity Who dares to say it is a bad fight? By: Magdalena Gómez Who dares to say it is a bad fight? With that question on the first of January, Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés emphasized the support of the EZLN for the agreements reached in the second […] […]

City of Edmonton scraps Joseph Boyden’s speaking slot at culture event – Edmonton – CBC News

City of Edmonton scraps Joseph Boyden’s speaking slot at culture event – Edmonton – CBC News – APTN reporter Jorge Barrera’s piece, which questioned claims of Indigenous ancestry Boyden has made throughout his life, has sparked a firestorm of debate on social media and made international headlines. Last week, the Canadian novelist released a statement […]

When Irish Republicans Supported the German Fascist Effort to Nazify Europe

Ireland’s Nazis – Episode One – Andrija Artuković (2007) – Winner of the Globe Gold Award (Documentary section) at the Intermedia World Media Festival in Hamburg, this two part series sees RAF veteran Cathal O’Shannon uncover the truth about the war criminals and collaborators who found refuge in Ireland in the years after World War […]

City of Edmonton scraps Joseph Boyden’s speaking slot at culture event – Edmonton – CBC News

City of Edmonton scraps Joseph Boyden’s speaking slot at culture event – Edmonton – CBC News – APTN reporter Jorge Barrera’s piece, which questioned claims of Indigenous ancestry Boyden has made throughout his life, has sparked a firestorm of debate on social media and made international headlines. Last week, the Canadian novelist released a statement […]

‘Would-be-dictator’ Trump will fail: Soros

‘Would-be-dictator’ Trump will fail: Soros – Latest News – – On the eve of Trump’s inauguration in Washington, Soros said Trump was “gearing up for a trade war” which would have “a very far reaching effect in Europe and other parts of the world”. The “would-be-dictator… didn’t expect to win, he was surprised,” the […]

Azealia Banks ‘Coons 4 Trump’

Azealia Banks would love to perform at Donald Trump’s star-lacking inauguration | Mic – Rapper Azealia Banks has a remedy for Donald Trump’s troubles when it comes to booking inauguration talent. That remedy is Azealia Banks. In a post to her Facebook page on Wednesday, Banks said seeing the inauguration lineup made her “very upset.” […]


MITTEILUNG DES ZK DER KKE ZUM TOD VON HERBERT MIES « DKP-Nachrichtenportal – Das ZK der KKE erfuhr mit großer Trauer vom Tod des Genossen Herbert Mies, einer führenden Persönlichkeit der internationalen und der deutschen kommunistischen Bewegung und DKP-Vorsitzenden in den Jahren 1973 bis 1989. Genosse Mies widmete sein ganzes Leben konsequent der Arbeiterklasse und […]

Scahill: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, the Brother of Betsy DeVos, Is Secretly Advising Trump | Democracy Now!

Scahill: Blackwater Founder Erik Prince, the Brother of Betsy DeVos, Is Secretly Advising Trump | Democracy Now! – The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill has revealed Betsy DeVos’s brother, Erik Prince, the founder of the mercenary firm Blackwater, has been quietly advising Trump’s transition team, including helping vet Cabinet picks. On election night, Prince’s wife, Stacy DeLuke, […]

Leonard Peltier Denied Clemency by Obama | Democracy Now!

Leonard Peltier Denied Clemency by Obama | Democracy Now! – The Office of the Pardon Attorney has announced President Obama has denied clemency to imprisoned Native American activist Leonard Peltier. Peltier is a former member of the American Indian Movement who was convicted of killing two FBI agents during a shootout on South Dakota’s Pine […]

Mother Warrior joins fight for economic independence! – Kundé Mwamvita, an African woman and single mother of five beautiful children, struggles in every possible way to take care of herself and her children. Kundé is the mother of 16-year-old Dominique Battle who was murdered with her two 15-year-old girlfriends, La’Niyah Miller and Ashaunti Bulter on March 31, 2016 by the Pinellas […]

“You look like someone who has good sex”: Can the black man be allowed to enjoy full humanity without extinguishing certain stereotypes? Note from BW of Brazil

Note from BW of Brazil: Reading today’s post brought to mind a conversation I had with a friend, also a black man, several years ago. In that conversation, I mentioned how, in society, the humanity of black men has been stripped away on the whole, with the only thing remaining being his masculinity and physical […] […]

Faceless – Warrior Publications

Ancestral Pride, January 18, 2017 What I know on the subject of why I mask up. There are many times when people are at “political” actions or see pics/footage of direct actions pertaining to Indigenous Land Defence or any kind of resistance to the government or corporations and we are masked up. There is always […] […]

Asesinan a activista Isidro Baldenebro en Chihuahua – La Jornada

Asesinan a activista Isidro Baldenebro en Chihuahua – La Jornada – Según reportes de poblaciones serranas, Isidro Baldenebro fue atacado a balazos el domingo, quedó herido de gravedad y falleció horas después, la madrugada del lunes. El activista no alcanzó a ser trasladado para su atención médica debido a lo aislado de Coloradas de la […]

Thomas Sankara – History of Africa

“Thomas Sankara Documentary” – Thomas Sankara known as the Che Guevara of Africa like other leaders who die young, there is a constellation of African thinkers and freedom fighters whose brightness never wanes. Steve Biko, black consciousness founder, murdered by apartheid police in South Africa, aged 30; Patrice Lumumba, Congolese prime minister, murdered with the […]

Gutachten zu Zschäpe: Egozentrisch, aber nicht krank |

Gutachten zu Zschäpe: Egozentrisch, aber nicht krank | – Nach wochenlangem juristischen Streit und mehreren Verschiebungen hat der psychiatrische Sachverständige im NSU-Prozess seine Beurteilung der Angeklagten Beate Zschäpe vorgetragen. Der Psychiater Henning Saß bescheinigte ihr zwar Hinweise auf “egozentrische” Verhaltensweisen, sagte aber auch, dass er keine wesentlichen Gesundheitsstörungen festgestellt habe. hinsichtlich Zschäpes Gefährlichkeit und […]

UK: Antisemite, Holocaust denier … yet David Irving claims fresh support

I CARE – – News – Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe – n advance of a film about the trial that bankrupted him, the historian is boasting that his views have found a new generation of admirers 15/1/2017- Sixteen years after an English court discredited his work and the judge called him “antisemitic and racist”, […]

CNN Marc Lamont Hill Calls Steve Harvey ‘Mediocre Negro’ Invited, Exploited at Trump Tower (full)

CNN Marc Lamont Hill Calls Steve Harvey ‘Mediocre Negro’ Invited, Exploited at Trump Tower (full) – YouTube – CNN Don Lemon Tonight, Marc Lamont Hill Battles Bruce Levell ‘It was bunch of mediocre Negro being dragged in front of TV as a photo op for Donald Trump’s exploitative campaign against black people. And you are […]

New Journal of Working-Class Studies Now Online | working class studies association

New Journal of Working-Class Studies Now Online | working class studies association – The Working-Class Studies Association is pleased to announce The Journal of Working-Class Studies. JWCS is an online, open-access, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that brings together the work of scholars, writers, artists and activists who are committed to the study and representation of working-class […]

Trump kicks off Martin Luther King weekend with disparaging tweet against civil rights icon John Lewis – LA Times

Trump kicks off Martin Luther King weekend with disparaging tweet against civil rights icon John Lewis – LA Times – Trump’s Twitter comments about the Georgia congressman came in response to Lewis’ assertion in an interview Friday that he did not see Trump as a “legitimate” president because of Russian involvement in the defeat of […]

The slave trade made Scotland rich. Now we must pay our blood-soaked debts | Stephen McLaren | Opinion | The Guardian

The slave trade made Scotland rich. Now we must pay our blood-soaked debts | Stephen McLaren | Opinion | The Guardian – Some 235 years ago last month, 133 African slaves bound for Jamaican sugar plantations were deliberately drowned in the Caribbean by British sailors aboard the slave ship Zong. Chained together at the ankle […]

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community – The Daily Beast

Jennifer Holliday Pulls Out of Trump Inauguration, Apologizes to LGBT Community – The Daily Beast – The Dreamgirls Tony- and Grammy-winner, who just wrapped a run in The Color Purple on Broadway, was announced Friday as part of the entertainment lineup for Donald Trump’s inauguration, a booking that has famously been passed on by a […]

For ‘Financial Times’, neo-Nazi groups challenge Brazil’s myth of racial democracy; racial inequality and racist sentiments unmasked myth decades ago — Black Women of Brazil

Note from BW of Brazil: Sometimes when I see reports such as a recent one in the Financial Times, it’s actually a little funny to me. The reason being that I’ve been talking about these types of subjects for years. I know, I know, perhaps it’s still a bit surprising that some Brazilians adhere to […]

Under Neocon Pressure, German Club Disinvites Hip-Hop Legend Talib Kweli and Brands Him ‘Anti-Semitic’ | Alternet

Under Neocon Pressure, German Club Disinvites Hip-Hop Legend Talib Kweli and Brands Him ‘Anti-Semitic’ | Alternet – On November 15, Conne Island stated on its Facebook page that the event with Kweli, which would have been his third appearance at the club, would not take place. The club explicitly acknowledged that Kweli’s stance toward Israel-Palestine […]


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE A Communiqué from the ANG Public Information Bureau: To the International Indigenous Community To all Colonised Peoples of the Fourth World To all Brothers and Sisters taking part in the Indigenous Struggle for Land and Liberty (Multnomah Nation Territories / 4th World) APNS – The Aboriginal News Group (ANG) at this time […]

Mom says daughter racially ‘tormented’ at suburban middle school | WFLD

Mom says daughter racially ‘tormented’ at suburban middle school | WFLD – Upon returning from winter break, Shonerka Howard says her daughter, who attends Elm Middle School, opened her locker at the end of the day and found a note advising her to call a certain phone number. When the young girl called, she received […] Trump Contradicts Himself on Assange

Trump Contradicts Himself on Assange – Trump said the “dishonest media” is wrong in reporting that he agrees with Assange, adding that “the media lies to make it look like I am against ‘intelligence,’ when, in fact, I am a big fan.” The dishonest media likes saying that I am in Agreement with Julian Assange – […]

Bones of Mengele, ‘Angel of Death,’ teaching tool in Brazil – Houston Chronicle

Bones of Mengele, ‘Angel of Death,’ teaching tool in Brazil – Houston Chronicle – Dr. Daniel Romero Munoz, who led the team that identified Mengele’s remains in 1985, saw an opportunity to put them to use. Several months ago, the head of the Department of Legal Medicine at the University of Sao Paulo’s Medical School […]

Matthew Cole: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6

The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 – [] – Officially known as the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, SEAL Team 6 is today the most celebrated of the U.S. military’s special mission units. But hidden behind the heroic narratives is a darker, more troubling story of “revenge ops,” unjustified killings, mutilations, and other atrocities — […]

Art and #BlackLives Matter

Clay returns controversial painting to Capitol wall, another Republican removes it | Political Fix | – Was it still up, Engelhardt was asked at 2:05 p.m. ET? “As of five minutes ago, it was,” Engehlardt told the Post-Dispatch. Clay also tried to file theft charges against Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., who originally removed the […]

Sis. Coretta Scott King exposed Jeff Sessions as a Major Bigot Years Ago.

Letter Written By MLK’s Widow That Blasted Jeff Sessions Is Missing – BuzzFeed News – The letter would become a key part of the case against Sessions, who would ultimately be defeated when his home state senator, the late Howell Heflin, shocked the Senate and voted against the confirmation. Judiciary Committee Chairman Strom Thurmond never […]