Monthly Archives: April 2015

Ted Cruz accuses Obama, first black president, of inflaming racial tensions | US news | The Guardian

Cruz placed blame for the phenomenon not on the seemingly constant high-profile cases in which unarmed black men have been killed by police officers since Eric Garner was killed in July 2014, but on the president.Obama has faced the criticism before. Some supporters during his first presidential run said he was too slow to talk […]

Police: Maybe Freddie Gray Severed His Own Spine! | Crooks and Liars

A prisoner sharing a police transport van with Freddie Gray told investigators that he could hear Gray “banging against the walls” of the vehicle and believed that he “was intentionally trying to injure himself,” according to a police document obtained by The Washington Post. The prisoner, who is currently in jail, was separated from Gray […]

Historical and modern Africa

Cannabis has been used in an entheogenic context – a chemical substance used in a religious, shamanic, or spiritual context[1] – in India and Nepal since the Vedic period dating back to approximately 1500 BCE, but perhaps as far back as 2000 BCE. There are several references in Greek mythology to a powerful drug that […]

Pastor Claims “White Homos” Are Invading Harlem Looking For Straight “Black Meat”|The Gaily Grind

“A number of people think that semen tastes good,” Manning said. “A number of people think that drinking semen is a good idea. No, I don’t think that myself personally. I’m just giving you the references of what other people say.” “The white homo who now lives in the community—and there are a lot of […]

The New Black, bullets and racism – Black Politics on the Web

As I stand in line at the Super America, the man ahead of me uses a credit card to pay for his gas; the clerk smiles, the transaction happens and its over. My turn to pay and I use my credit card…the clerk tells me, “We’ve had a lot of fraud here, and can I […]

H.G. Wells: None so detestable as the god of war | Stop NATO…Opposition to global militarism

“No,” said Mr. Britling. “It is the theologians who must answer that. They have been extravagant about God. They have had silly absolute ideas – that He is all powerful. That He’s omni-everything. But the common sense of men knows better. Every real religious thought denies it. After all, the real God of the Christians […]

Baltimore Police Union Boss Inflames Tension With ‘Lynch Mob’ Remark; ‘Rough Ride’ Alleged – The Root

Ryan heaped fuel on an already tense situation when he said protesters were acting “like a lynch mob,” as he vigorously defended the police officers involved in Gray’s brutal arrest that resulted in his death. William Murphy, the Grays’ lawyer, demanded an immediate apology. Murphy told the Sun that it’s unfathomable that Ryan could call […]

Exclusive Video: Violence Inside Rikers – The New Yorker

Last year, the office of Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District, released a report denouncing the horrific conditions in the adolescent jail on Rikers, describing it as a place that “seems more inspired by Lord of the Flies than any legitimate philosophy of humane detention.” Browder experienced this firsthand during the many months […]

South African Triptych Western, ‘Days Of Cannibalism,’ So | Shadow and Act

But Edkins’ project sounds more ambitious in scope. “Days of Cannibalism” is further described as a triptych Western set in contemporary continental Africa, where, first, the threat is in the business of globalized trade in China, but, secondly, also within a band of smugglers in Lesotho, who play cards in a local bar named “Days […]

Chicago Is About to Offer the Nation’s First Reparations Program for Victims of Police Violence | The Nation

From 1972 to 1991, at least 110 African-American men experienced similar forms of torture at the hands of CPD commander Jon Burge and the detectives who reported to him. Like Cannon, many of these people were coerced into making false confessions; more than 20 are still in prison today for crimes they may not have […]

The Skin I’m In: I’ve been interrogated by police more than 50 times—all because I’m black

The cops stopped me anywhere they saw me, particularly at night. Once, as I was walking through the laneway behind my neighbourhood pizza parlour, two officers crept up on me in their cruiser. “Don’t move,” I whispered to myself, struggling to stay calm as they got out of their vehicle. When they asked me for […]

Fascism and anti-fascism in 1930s Manchester

Originally posted on Manchester's Radical History:
The following article on Fascist leader Oswald Mosley’s humiliation by anti-fascists at Belle Vue is reproduced by kind permission of Manchester University’s Centre for Jewish Studies, and is by Michael Wolf of the anti-fascist periodical Searchlight. The introduction to the article is based on an article by Yaakov…

Nigerian man stabs fiancée to death in Texas

Originally posted on JAMES BIGILA'S BLOG:
Within the past decade, nearly 12,000 American women, including undocumented, resident aliens and naturalised citizens, were murdered by their current or estranged lovers. This number clearly is more than the number of American soldiers killed in the recent wars against terrorism. Last Wednesday, Osa Alohaneke, a Nigerian resident…

it certainly will be strange in kiev on may 9, when they celebrate their victory over fascism

Originally posted on Niqnaq:
Secret instructions of Kiev media to May 9: UPA = fighters against Nazism RIA Novosti, Apr 17 2015 Ukrainian authorities on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the end of WW2, advised the media to place special emphasis on the role of the Ukrainian people, as well as the OUN…

True Crimes, Faulty Statistics And Aboriginal Women

Originally posted on RED POWER MEDIA:
The Canadian Press – Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Bernard Valcourt (left) and Minister of Status of Women Kellie Leitch speak to reporters at a separate press conference following the National Roundtable for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Ottawa on Friday, Feb. 27, 2015.…

Is it time we start talking about our murdered and missing indigenous men?

Originally posted on Warrior Publications:
Grace Lafond-Barr. Indigenous men are more likely to be murdered than anyone else in Canada – possibly more than 2,000 in a 30-year period. By Jeremy Warren, The Starphoenix, April 18, 2015 Grace Lafond-Barr believes healing starts in the home, so she moved her family to Muskeg Lake Cree Nation…

Ce jour-là | Zimbabwe – 18 avril 1980 : Bob Marley et Mugabe célèbrent l’indépendance de la dernière colonie européenne d’Afrique | – le premier site d’information et d’actualité sur l’Afrique

Le moment est éminemment historique : la dernière colonie européenne sur le continent s’apprête à rentrer dans le concert des États libres. Des personnalités et des représentants de 100 pays dont 11 chefs d’État ont fait le déplacement. Un parterre d’invités de marque dont le prince Charles du Royaume-Uni, lord Hoames, le dernier gouverneur du […]

Wilders Rassismus muss in Dresden bekämpft werden | Die Freiheitsliebe

Das sich dieser Hetze in Deutschland linke Parteien und Gewerkschaften entgegenstellen ist ein gutes Zeichen, dass die offene Hetze noch nicht so akzeptiert ist, wie in anderen westeuropäischen Staaten. In dem Aufruf der Linken heißt es dem entsprechend folgerichtig: “Neu ist daran nicht das Ideologiegemisch aus Rassismus, Chauvinismus, Homophobie und nationalkonservativen Versatzstücken, sondern der Erfolg […]

Einstein: The Negro Question (1946) | On Being

The ancient Greeks also had slaves. They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences. And yet Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, declared slaves inferior beings who were justly subdued and deprived of their liberty. It is clear that he […]

London May 2: Justice for Odessa!

Originally posted on Solidarity with the Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine:
We demand the fascists who fire bombed and murdered 42 people in the Trade Union House of Odessa on 2 May 2014 are found and brought to justice! No impunity for Banderite fascists! On May 2nd, 2015 we will gather outside the Ukrainian embassy in London…

Chiapas: Las Abejas of Acteal reject dams and high electricity prices, affirming “Free Rivers and Living People” instead

Originally posted on dorset chiapas solidarity:
Chiapas: Las Abejas of Acteal reject dams and high  electricity prices, affirming “Free Rivers and Living People” instead by SIPAZ Photo @ Blog Las Abejas de Acteal On 14 March, in observance of the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water, and Life, the Las Abejas Civil Society published a communique “against the…

#Pegida spaziert wieder: #Demonstration am 19. April in #Wien

What Exactly is Neoliberalism? (2015)

Originally posted on Foucault News:
Booked #3: What Exactly is Neoliberalism? Timothy Shenk ▪ Dissent, April 2, 2015 Booked is a monthly series of Q&As with authors by Dissent contributing editor Timothy Shenk. For this interview, he spoke with Wendy Brown about her new book Undoing the Demos: Neoliberalism’s Stealth Revolution (Zone Books, 2015). Climate change, a crippled welfare state,…

Revisionistisches Stelldichein

BCL cynically exploits Nasioi culture, custom and land

Originally posted on Papua New Guinea Mine Watch:
One thing we know for sure, BCL / Rio Tinto is no fan of Nasioi culture. When the company arrived on Bougainville back in the 1960s it brushed aside Nasioi elders, and brutalised Nasioi women, the mothers of the land. It then vandalised Nasioi land, waterways, and…

Fourth World Radyo: 500 More Years of White Racist Colonialism And Abuse? | APNS Public Radyo

Summary: TheAngryindian offers his thoughts on the daylight, public execution of Walter Scott by a murderous United States police officer in the American South; his disgust at the unforgivable colonialist disrespect and institutional misogyny shown by the Euro-settler Canadian justice system to the loss of First Nations #MMIW victim, Sister Cindy Gladue and some brief comments on the Death-by-Neglect […]

California: Black Activist Faces “Lynching” Charge for Trying to Free Protester | Democracy Now!

n Sacramento, California, an African-Amercan activist is facing up to four years in prison for “lynching,” after she allegedly tried to pull a fellow protester away from police. Under a 1933 California law designed to protect black people from white mobs, the act of attempting to free someone from police custody can be defined as […]

Juan González on Walter Scott Shooting: When Will the Police Killings of Black Males Stop? | Democracy Now!

Democracy Now! co-host Juan González discusses how video of the Walter Scott killing echoes other videos of police shootings, such as Tamir Rice in Cleveland and Eric Garner in New York City. “People wonder why the Black Lives Matter movement has grown and spread so rapidly across the country,” González writes, “when people are seeing […]

What More Is There to Say? On Walter Scott and Black Death

Scott, the unarmed South Carolina man and former Coast Guard who was shot eight times in the back as he ran from an officer, now joins our sinister American ritual. I have yet to watch the video of Scott’s shooting, because I know the horror contained within, and my doing so will not change its […]

Jersey Cops Let K9 Maul Man to Death, Then Try to Steal the Video – The Daily Beast

Philadelphia’s NBC10 station reported that the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office said White, the father of three, was transported to a local hospital for “respiratory distress,” where he was declared dead, despite efforts to revive him.The person who shot the footage, which is from a phone, is shown being approached by police, saying, “I need your […]