What Ralph Ellison Can Teach Us about Trayvon Martin – The Feminist Wire | The Feminist Wire

By Dennis Tyler Jr.In light of the recent decision by the school board of education in Randolph County, North Carolina, to ban Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man from their libraries—partly because of a parent’s complaint that the book is not age-appropriate material for teenagers and partly because one board member claimed he could not “find any literary value” in the text—I cannot help but reflect on a few of the key lessons I’ve learned from the novel, particularly as I attempt to cope with the verdict in the Zimmerman trial.I do not share these lessons as a defense of Ralph Ellison: a Black author who has won the National Book Award in fiction has already earned his place in the pantheon of American letters. But rather I share them as a way to uncover what the novel can teach us about American race relations in general and about the perception of Trayvon Martin in particular.

via What Ralph Ellison Can Teach Us about Trayvon Martin – The Feminist Wire | The Feminist Wire.

via What Ralph Ellison Can Teach Us about Trayvon Martin – The Feminist Wire | The Feminist Wire.