Monthly Archives: April 2018

#Antifa // Oppose Tommy Robinson and the FLA in London, Sunday May 6th

Facebook event On Sunday 6 May thousands of far-right anti-Muslim bigots will be marching through central London. Anti-fascists from across the country need to take to the streets to oppose them. When Darren Osborne drove a van into a group of Muslims outside Finsbury Park Mosque, killing Makram Ali and injuring at least eight others, […] […]

Stop the Spaceport on the #Gullah/Geechee Coast!

The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition is standing with 100 Miles, Protect Cumberland Island, and many other individuals and groups in opposition to this spaceport being licensed and erected. There are a number of negative environmental impacts that will take place that have not been fully examined nor considered in the environmental impact statement. In addition […]

RIP // Rev. Dr. James Cone

James H. Cone – Wikipedia – James Hal Cone (August 5, 1936[1] – April 28, 2018[2]) was an American theologian, best known for his advocacy of black theology and black liberation theology. His 1969 book Black Theology and Black Power provided a new way to comprehensively define the distinctiveness of theology in the black church.[4] […]

4thWorldRadyo // А у вас негров линчуют/And You Are Lynching Negroes: An Indigenist Critique on the Utilisation of ‘Whataboutism’ as a Left-Wing Political Ideology

– Summary: @TheAngryindian speaks further on the fuzzy ideological links developing between popular individuals and groups representing the extremist, White racist far-Right and US/UK/CND Leftists (not all Caucasian) so disillusioned with the establishment find political common ground on many issues/subjects neo-Nazi/White Nationalist propagandists and armed ‘Sovereign Citizens’ have promoted for decades. How this can happen […]

#Rohingya rejects #Myanmar’s repartition claim

Rohingya rejects Myanmar’s repartition claim | Rohingyas Genocide – Naypyidaw [Myanmar], April 16 (ANI): The Rohingyas have rejected the claim made by the Myanmar government regarding the repartition of the first batch of the Rohingya community residing in the country. “This is a deception,” Al Jazeera quoted a Europe-based website named Rohingya Blogger acting as […]

DAM – Mama, I Fell in Love with a Jew

Mama, I fell In Love With A Jew’ is the first single from DAM’s new EP ‘Street Poetry’, out now! Available to order here: DAM has also re-released their first two albums (‘Dedication’ and ‘Dabke on the Moon (Nudbok al Amar)’. All are now av

VIDEO: Valdés on Schomburg and Diasporic Blackness | Left of Black – #ADPhD

VIDEO: Valdés on Schomburg and Diasporic Blackness | Left of Black – #ADPhD – “Left of Black host Mark Anthony Neal is joined in the Left of Black studio by scholar and author Vanessa K. Valdes (@Valdes23), Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the The City College of New York. Professor Valdes is the […]

Bridget Brennan // Ancient virus lurking in remote #Australia, affecting thousands of #Aboriginal adults

Ancient virus lurking in remote Australia, affecting thousands of Aboriginal adults – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) – It is called T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1— or HTLV-1 — and Australia has the highest levels in the world. A distant cousin of HIV, it is a blood-borne virus that can be sexually transmitted or passed […]

“Hadji Girl”; #Iraq // #Syria // #Afrin // #HumanRights // #Dehumanisation

Hadji Girl – Wikipedia – “Hadji Girl” is a song by Corporal Joshua Belile of the United States Marine Corps about a fictitious encounter with a family of Iraqis. A video of Belile performing the song was posted anonymously on in March 2006. It sparked controversy at a time when Marines were facing public […]

#Idaho SCT Briefs in Coeur d’Alene Water Rights Case

Here are the briefs (so far) in Coeur d’Alene Tribe v. State of Idaho: Tribe Opening Brief US Opening Brief via Idaho SCT Briefs in Coeur d’Alene Water Rights Case — Turtle Talk

Monte Mills // Court tests Native American treaties in 21st century

Hot Springs Sentinel Record – Court tests Native American treaties in 21st century – saac Stevens, the first governor of the territory of Washington, negotiated treaties on behalf of the United States with tribes across the Pacific Northwest and did so using similar treaty forms and language. In the heart of salmon country, Stevens recognized […]

#FridaKahlo #Barbie doll banned from shop shelves in #Mexico

Frida Kahlo Barbie doll banned from shop shelves in Mexico – BBC News – Her great-niece, Mara Romeo, told AFP news agency that the doll’s complexion was too light. “I would have liked the doll to have traits more like Frida’s, not this doll with light-coloured eyes,” she said. After the decision was made, Mrs […]

After the Secret Flights to Deport #Windrush Migrants, No-One Is Safe in #Tory #Britain

Mike in his articles attacking May and her truly foul decision to destroy the evidence needed for the Windrush migrants to show their right to live in our wonderful country also mentioned that poem by Martin Niemoller. Niemoller was one of the scandalously few Christians in Nazi Germany to oppose the regime. You know the […] […]


Is anyone paying attention to the damage being inflicted on the U.S. Constitution or are we all happily fighting each other over whether or not the sexual predator and economic terrorist donald trump colluded with Russian gangsters and puts his own country as risk while trying to kiss the ass of his current favorite dictator […] […]

#Antifa // Protest against Tommy Robinson on 6 May

Protest against Tommy Robinson on 6 May – [] Since forming the English Defence League (EDL) back in 2009, Robinson has been stirring up hatred against Muslims, dehumanising them to such an extent that his followers have already started killing. Osborne isn’t the only follower of Robinson to use violence against Muslims in the UK. […]

FBI Whistleblower Convicted of Leaking Documents in “Act of Conscience” | Democracy Now!

FBI Whistleblower Convicted of Leaking Documents in “Act of Conscience” | Democracy Now! – In Minnesota, an FBI whistleblower who leaked classified information about how the bureau aggressively targets potential informants pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges of unauthorized disclosure. Terry J. Albury, who was the only African-American agent at the FBI’s field office in Minneapolis, […]

Leah Todd // New York State must respect the Parole Board’s decision to release Herman Bell

New York State must respect the Parole Board’s decision to release Herman Bell | Center for Constitutional Rights – International principles concur that the intention of incarceration should be reform and rehabilitation, not simply punishment. America’s prisons haven’t yet caught up to this thinking, as they are rife with abuses yet hardly provide the tools […]

Johnny Kauffman // #Atlanta Activist Uses #Russian-Backed Media To Spread Message | 90.1 FM WABE

Atlanta Activist Uses Russian-Backed Media To Spread Message | 90.1 FM WABE – “Having the opportunity and the space to use my voice, and really standing up for people or helping other people get their voices and their stories out there, that’s what kind of really motivated me,” said Changa. During the 2016 election, Changa […]

Esteban Lazo, reelected as President of the National Assembly

Esteban Lazo, reelected as President of the National Assembly › Cuba › Granma – Official voice of the PCC – During the first hours of the Assembly’s constituent session, the National Candidatures Commission proposed: “For President, Juan Esteban Lazo Hernández, who has efficiently fulfilled this responsibility over the last five years. His efforts and the […]

#Salvadoran #Journalist #KarlaLissethTurcios Murdered

Salvadoran Journalist Karla Lisseth Turcios Murdered | Democracy Now! – In El Salvador, authorities say journalist Karla Lisseth Turcios has been murdered. She worked for the magazine El Economista. Authorities say her father received a note with a death threat against her shortly before she was kidnapped from her home. Her body was later found […]

Ann Wright // Blowing up Lack of ‘Evidence’ in #Syria Chemical Attack – Consortiumnews

FYI // [“Niño sirio revela la verdad sobre vídeo del ‘ataque químico’ | HISPANTV” ( )] Blowing up Lack of ‘Evidence’ in Syria Chemical Attack – Consortiumnews – With the alphabet soup of militias in Syria, hired and equipped by the US, UK, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Russia, the UAE, Qatar and […]

Why Women Of Color Are Trying To Get Out Of The United States (HBO)

It comes as no surprise that a time when white supremacist groups have gained increased public notoriety and the President has disparaged African nations as “shitholes,” many black Americans are feeling isolated and unsafe in communities or workplaces. Many of them are turning those frustrations into acts of self-preservation, and are spending significant money to […]

Neo-Nazi ‘Tyrone’ Exposed as US Marine – Love and Rage Media Collective

Neo-Nazi ‘Tyrone’ Exposed as US Marine – Love and Rage Media Collective – Neo-Nazi ‘Tyrone’ Exposed as US Marine Posted on April 18, 2018 by loveandrageteam in FRONT PAGE, NEWS, The States // 0 Comments by Paul Abowd / Al-Jazeera – The States Washington, DC – Just weeks before a white supremacist rally turned deadly […]

45 Years After Legendary #Attica Prison Uprising, New Book Reveals State Role in Deadly Standoff | Democracy Now!

a href=””>45 Years After Legendary Attica Prison Uprising, New Book Reveals State Role in Deadly Standoff | Democracy Now! – Today prisoners in at least 24 states are set to participate in a nationally coordinated strike that comes on the 45th anniversary of the prison uprising at Attica. Much like the prisoners who took over […]

#AnimalRights matter. So do #HumanRights / #Genocide in #Palestine and the International struggle against by #Zionist extremism

Morrissey: Israel haters are just ‘jealous’ of the country – The Jewish Chronicle — Michael Dickinson // // Morrissey’s #Apartheid Shame – Activists from the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel say a full-fledged cultural boycott against Israel could isolate the country and help persuade it to end its control […]

Amber Rudd: #Windrush generation treatment ‘appalling’

Amber Rudd: Windrush generation treatment ‘appalling’ – BBC News – Labour’s David Lammy said it was a “day of national shame”. The Tottenham MP said it was “inhumane and cruel” that it had taken the government so long to act. Thousands of people arrived in the UK as children in the first wave of Commonwealth […]

Paul Berman // #Baathism: An Obituary

Baathism: An Obituary / The end of an ideology | The New Republic – The chief theoretician was a philosopher from Damascus named Michel Aflaq, who, during his Sorbonne years, sympathized with communism, mostly because communism appeared to be Western imperialism’s antithesis. In 1936, after his return to Damascus, it dawned on Aflaq, however, that […]

Alice McCool // #Ethiopia and #Greece’s relationship dates back to ancient times, and a small community is keeping both cultures alive.

Ethiopia: The last Greeks of Addis Ababa | Greece | Al Jazeera – “Neither country really accepts us as one of them. In Greece we are Ethiopians, and in Ethiopia we are Greeks,” she says with a sigh. Greek sailors and merchants began emigrating to Ethiopia in significant numbers in the late 1800s. It is […]

JJ Sutherland // L. Frank Baum Advocated Extermination Of Native Americans

L. Frank Baum Advocated Extermination Of Native Americans : The Two-Way : NPR – From his Sitting Bull editorial: The proud spirit of the original owners of these vast prairies inherited through centuries of fierce and bloody wars for their possession, lingered last in the bosom of Sitting Bull. With his fall the nobility of […]

#Hatewatch // Pagan-based white supremacy sect buys property in #Tennessee

A new, whites-only community is reportedly being planned for a 44-acre rural piece of property in southeastern Tennessee by a couple with past ties to the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement. Eric Meadows and Angela Johnson now lead “Wotan Nation,” a community of white supremacists following a belief system spawned by early Germanic paganism called “heathenism.” […]