Monthly Archives: January 2017

Jefferson Beauregard “Jeff” Sessions III and his Defence of & support for White Power in North America

Jeff Sessions Wanted to ‘Drop the Case’ Against KKK Lynching, Attorney Testified – The Daily Beast – Today Jeff Sessions claims credit for prosecuting a lynching by the Ku Klux Klan as proof that he is not a racist, but an attorney working for him claimed 30 years ago his boss wanted to drop the […]

They Closed Down the School Early Rather Than Face Protests From the Black Community So They Could Honour a Bigot.

Blevins board member who sparked protests receives award | KATV BLEVINS (KATV) —  The Blevins school board member who sparked protests by dressing in blackface for a party was given an award as the “Outstanding School Board Member” — Ted Bonner was recognized Monday night during the board’s regularly scheduled meeting.Only 28 people were allowed […]

Das Tribunal: Jürgen Zimmerer | ZKM

Das Tribunal: Jürgen Zimmerer | ZKM Kategorie Vortrag/Gespräch Datum 19.06.2015 bis 21.06.2015 Beschreibung Die GLOBALE beginnt mit einem Prolog am 19. Juni 2015 im ZKM: mit einem Prozess gegen die Verfehlungen des 20. Jahrhunderts und seine Verbrechen gegen Mensch, Tier und Natur. Angeklagt werden Völkermorde wie der Holocaust, die Ausbeutung der Erde und die Ausrottung […]

“America Belongs to White Men,” Alt-Right Founder Says / Robert Mackey

“America Belongs to White Men,” Alt-Right Founder Says Another clip recorded by Winkler — and a live stream of the entire event posted online by the school’s student newspaper, The Battalion — shows that Spencer went on to praise Donald Trump as “an alt-right hero” for reminding white Americans of what, he said, “makes the […]

Senator Sessions Has Black Friends. So, What? – elsiescottblog

Senator Sessions Has Black Friends. So, What? – elsiescottblog – Many people offering support to Senator Jeff Sessions in his nomination for U.S. Attorney General have stated that he has black friends such as former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson. So, what? Senator Strom Thurmond fathered a black child, who he financially supported, while at […]

Afrikans on the Geechie Islands struggle for self-determination by Nkashama Sankofa

Afrikanz on the Geechie Islandz struggle for self-determination | Moorbey’z Blog – These Africans­––known as Geechie people by many­­––are the descendants of Africans from West and Central Africa who were enslaved and forced to work on the rice and indigo plantations on the islands off the coast of South Carolina, Georgia and northeast Florida during […]

Alt-right connections to Putin and Russia – Business Insider

Alt-right connections to Putin and Russia – Business Insider – Whether Russia has played a direct role in awakening the American alt-right, whose resurgence as a crusade against establishment politics coincided with the rise of President-elect Donald Trump, is debatable. But the extent to which the alt-right has found a natural ally in Russia’s current […]

Is New Zealand at war with Israel now? — Kia Ora Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a statement in front of new construction, in the Jewish settlement known to Israelis as Har Homa and to Palestinians as Jabal Abu Ghneim, in an area of the West Bank that Israel captured in a 1967 war and annexed to the city of Jerusalem, March 16, 2015. (Reuters) […] […]

US veteran arrested over Fort Lauderdale shooting | USA News | Al Jazeera

US veteran arrested over Fort Lauderdale shooting | USA News | Al Jazeera – A US army veteran who complained that the government was controlling his mind drew a gun from his checked luggage on arrival at the Fort Lauderdale airport and opened fire in the baggage claim area on Friday, killing five people and […]

Brandon, Selkirk eye Bear Clan Patrol groups as movement grows — Warrior Publications

Meeting to organize Brandon group will take place Jan. 19 at the Friendship Centre By Riley Laychuk, CBC News, January 06, 2017 Groups in two Manitoba cities are looking into starting their own Bear Clan Patrol groups as the movement spreads beyond Winnipeg’s Perimeter Highway. James Favel, executive director of Winnipeg’s Bear Clan, said he’s […]


The late Sam Greenlee (author of “The Spook Who Sat By The Door”), who died in May 2014, was never one to mince words, especially when it came to dishing on the state of what we call “black cinema,” and the film industry overall. The author and activist was a fearless political firebrand, and elder […]

I Am Not Your Negro

— Directed By: Raoul Peck I Am Not Your Negro Official Teaser Trailer (2016) – James Baldwin Documentary Writer James Baldwin tells the story of race in modern America with his unfinished novel, Remember This House.

Prison riot in the Amazon brings to the forefront issues of overcrowding & the rise in incarceration rates; Brazil has 4th highest prison population in the world — Black Women of Brazil

Note from BW of Brazil: By now the news of a violent uprising inside of a prison complex in Manaus, in the state of Amazonas has shocked the world. Although the story caught me by surprise, I wasn’t at all shocked. After all, followers of this blog will remember that we reported a similar gruesome […]

This is not normal: A&E announces new series “Generation KKK” –

This is not normal: A&E announces new series “Generation KKK” – – Instead, starting Tuesday, Jan. 10, we’ll get a weekly look inside the lives of several families headed by members of the Ku Klux Klan called “Generation KKK.” Giving racism a platform, even under the guise of increasing the public’s awareness of its […]

This is What African Fascism Looks Like: ‘Mulattoes Are Enemies to BLACK People’

NAACP President on Dylann Roof’s Lack of Regret for Massacre: “It’s About the State of America” | Democracy Now!

NAACP President on Dylann Roof’s Lack of Regret for Massacre: “It’s About the State of America” | Democracy Now! – This week Dylann Roof faces a possible death sentence for murdering nine black worshipers at the Emanuel AME Church in June of 2015. As Roof acted as his own attorney in a brief opening statement […]

Democratic Discombobulation: Partisan Politic and Leftist Pacifism as Pathology in North America

Summary: TheAngryindian and Guadalupe Morales take a last look at 2016 by honouring Festivus and conducting an ‘Airing of Grievances’ on the dynamics of thoughtless partisanism in mainstream USA/Canadian/Mexican political ideologies and the visible reluctance of the political Left in getting its act together to defeat the international and domestic rush towards a 21st century […]

Dylann Roof’s Manifesto Shows Why Black People Fear White Vengence — BROTHA WOLF

I always say that one of the truths about being black in America is to be collectively judged and convicted. If one commits a crime, especially against white people, the whole race is guilty. The whole race must be held accountable. And the whole race must pay. Dylann Roof, the white supremacist responsible for the […] […]

Zapatista News Summary for December, 2016 — dorset chiapas solidarity

. Zapatista News Summary for December, 2016 Zapatista and CNI News 1. The Convocation to the Second phase of the Fifth National Indigenous Congress is issued jointly by the CNI and EZLN on 26th November. During the first phase in October the CNI and EZLN had “agreed to remain in […] via Zapatista News Summary for […]

Free Puerto Rican Oscar López Rivera — Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video says about itself: 5 January 2017 One of Bernie [Sanders]’s promises to the people of Puerto Rico was that, if he were elected president, he would free Oscar López Rivera, a Puerto Rican independence activist and one of the longest-serving political prisoners in the world. The call for his release has united the […] […]

The politikz of oppression — Moorbey’z Blog

by Mumia Abu-Jamal Most presidential elections concentrate on the candidates – their views, positions and, perhaps more importantly, their persona. Of course, we don’t really know these people, but thanks to modern communications, we think we do. They are, in reality, familiar strangers. We see them in commercials or on televised interviews. But the real […] […]

The Phil Donahue Show – Mulattoes Who Pass for White (FULL EPISODE)

How the Washington Post is Covering the Dylann Roof Trial

Dylann Roof says it’s ‘not fair’ he has to hear so much from the loved ones of his victims – The Washington Post – U.S. District Judge Richard M. Gergel ultimately did not impose any limits on testimony, though he warned prosecutors he was worried about the issue. “I’m concerned both about the number of […]

Standing Rock to the World: 10 Indigenous and Environmental Struggles You Can Support in 2017 — LRInspire — 4 the LOVE of the People

The Black Snake is not yet dead. Far from it. The corporations behind the Dakota Access pipeline made it clear that they “fully expect to complete construction of the pipeline without any additional rerouting in and around Lake Oahe.” via Standing Rock to the World: 10 Indigenous and Environmental Struggles You Can Support in 2017 […]

Yes, the Russians. Wake up and smell the vodka. | CounterVortex

Yes, the Russians. Wake up and smell the vodka. | CounterVortex – OK, I’ve had enough with these disingenuous demands from the likes of Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Jeremy Scahill, etc. that the CIA “show us the evidence,” and the frankly absurd charges of “McCarthyism,” which is simply reading the politics of this mess backwards. […]

Here’s How We Prepare to Be Ungovernable in 2017 | Alternet

Here’s How We Prepare to Be Ungovernable in 2017 | Alternet – As the co-director of the Mississippi-based group Cooperation Jackson and an organizer with the nationwide Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, Akuno is one of countless people across the country working diligently to build a platform sturdy enough to confront Trump’s America. Movimiento Cosecha, led […]