Monthly Archives: May 2018

Michael Puente // Gary’s National Black Political Convention, 40 years on

Gary’s National Black Political Convention, 40 years on | WBEZ – The National Black Political Convention attracted approximately 8,000 people from across the United States. Their mission was to establish a unified political agenda that would address poverty, unemployment and blacks’ lack of clout within the Republican and Democratic parties. Some made impassioned pleas for […]

Black In #LatinAmerica (Episode 1) #Haiti and The #DominicanRepublic- The Roots of Division

Faces Of Africa – When #Chinese Meet #Zambians

Forty years ago, Chinese and Africans co-existed and worked together like brothers and sisters, as witnessed in the Tazara construction. Forty years later, things aren’t the same. The once tight connection is faced with numerous strains. Frank Fang and Dr. Gao Kenan both Chinese and residents in Zambia share their life experiences in Africa.

#AfroColombian activist Francia Márquez, 2018 Goldman Prize Winner, on Stopping Illegal Gold Mining | Democracy Now!

Afro-Colombian activist Francia Márquez, 2018 Goldman Prize Winner, on Stopping Illegal Gold Mining | Democracy Now! – Francia Márquez, a leading Afro-Colombian activist who is the 2018 recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize for Central and South America, visited Democracy Now! in May 2018. In this wide-ranging interview with Amy Goodman, Márquez describes how she […]

Luke Barnes // Exclusive: Leaks show how Boston ‘free speech’ group acts as a front for far-right organizing – ThinkProgress

Exclusive: Leaks show how Boston ‘free speech’ group acts as a front for far-right organizing – ThinkProgress – “The primary difference between those who consider themselves alt-right [far-right] and alt-lite is the alt-right’s willingness to use full-fledged racial and anti-Semitic terms,” Keegan Hankes, senior research analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), told ThinkProgress. […]

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » Blog Archive » BDS is a war Israel can’t win by @StanleyCohenLaw

CyberGuerrilla soApboX » Blog Archive » BDS is a war Israel can’t win by @StanleyCohenLaw – Israeli think-tank fellow Yossi Klein Halevi, writing recently in the Los Angeles Times would have American readers believe that the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement is “immoral” and threatens the peace of “the region’s only intact society”, while simultaneously […]

Whistleblower Says #SteveBannon Sought to Suppress #BlackVote | Democracy Now!

Whistleblower Says Steve Bannon Sought to Suppress Black Vote | Democracy Now! – On Capitol Hill, Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Chris Wylie told the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday that the voter-profiling company sought to suppress turnout among African-American voters and preyed on racial biases. Wylie testified that Cambridge Analytica harvested the data of up to 87 […]

A Conversation With #NativeAmericans on Race | Op-Docs

A Conversation With Native Americans on Race | Op-Docs: This week we bring you “A Conversation With Native Americans on Race,” the latest installment in our wide-ranging “Conversation on Race” series. Directed by Michèle Stephenson and Brian Young, the film grapples with the racist contradictions of a country that, many feel, would prefer it if […]

Jared Holt // Richard Spencer: U.S. Military Should Have Enslaved Haitians After Hurricane Instead Of Providing Relief | Right Wing Watch

Richard Spencer: U.S. Military Should Have Enslaved Haitians After Hurricane Instead Of Providing Relief | Right Wing Watch – On his podcast in February, Spencer lamented that the United States military never engages in war “for the right reasons,” which he said are when “you want to dominate someone, you want to take their […]

Beeta Baghoolizadeh // The Afro-Iranian Community: Beyond Haji Firuz Blackface, the Slave Trade, & Bandari Music

The Afro-Iranian Community: Beyond Haji Firuz Blackface, the Slave Trade, & Bandari Music – Ajam Media Collective – When talking about the diversity of Iran, most people will recall the various ethno-linguistic groups that are equally native to the Iranian plateau, like Persians, Azeris, Gilakis, Baluchis, and others who have migrated to the region through […]

Norman Finkelstein: Outrage over Israeli Massacre Shows Power of Nonviolent Palestinian Resistance | Democracy Now!

Norman Finkelstein: Outrage over Israeli Massacre Shows Power of Nonviolent Palestinian Resistance | Democracy Now! – The United States is refusing to criticize Israel after Israeli forces shot dead at least 61 unarmed Palestinian protesters taking part in the Great March of Return in Gaza Monday. More than 2,700 Palestinians were injured. At the United […]

#Syrie – Brigade Michael Israel: des volontaires #antifascistes contre l’armée turque | FranceSoir

Syrie – Brigade Michael Israel: des volontaires antifascistes contre l’armée turque | FranceSoir – Des centaines de volontaires internationaux, dont des Français, se battent toujours aux côtés des Kurdes syriens, à la fois contre l’Etat islamique et l’armée turque. La brigade Michael Israel est une de ces unités internationales des Forces démocratiques syriennes. Matteo Puxton, […]

What Killed Arafat? – Al Jazeera Investigates

– In this major investigation, Al Jazeera reveals new evidence suggesting Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned. This documentary centres on scientific analysis of Arafat’s personal effects, which he wore and kept close to him in his final days. Scientists from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland discover elevated levels of polonium on Arafat’s effects. […]

Justifying #Gaza massacre, Israel minister calls #Palestinians ‘Nazis’ – Middle East Monitor

Justifying Gaza massacre, Israel minister calls Palestinians ‘Nazis’ – Middle East Monitor – Israel’s Minister of Strategic Affairs, Gilad Erdan, reacted to the rising death toll in Gaza by saying that the number of deaths “did not indicate anything” because Palestinian protestors were “terrorists” following the orders of a “Nazi” like organisation. #LIVEBLOG Erdan referred […]

British #YPJ fighter #AnnaCampbell executed by fighter jets and missiles manufactured and serviced from her hometown of #Bristol. // By Rory Wood

British YPJ fighter Anna Campbell executed by fighter jets and missiles manufactured and serviced from her hometown of Bristol. – Fighting for the YPJ, a militia incorporated in the UK-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, Campbell broke no laws and is only guilty of serving UK allies. The leader of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) – the […]



Ms Victoria Tauli-Corpuz // #Guatemala must break cycle of discrimination against indigenous peoples, says UN expert

Guatemala must break cycle of discrimination against indigenous peoples, says UN expert – At the end of a 10-day visit to the country, the UN human rights expert urged the Government to reconstruct its relationship with indigenous peoples. She also called on the Government to ensure accountability and reparations with respect to Guatemala’s civil war […]

Black Mama’s Bail Out Is Freeing Black Women from Jail for Mother’s Day & Taking Aim at Cash Bail | Democracy Now!

Black Mama’s Bail Out Is Freeing Black Women from Jail for Mother’s Day & Taking Aim at Cash Bail | Democracy Now! – It’s Mother’s Day this weekend, and racial justice groups around the country are bailing black women out of jail so they can spend the holiday with their families. For the second year […]

J. B. Gerald // Why are They Still in Prison? Gerald and Maas  Why are They Still in Prison? by J. B. Gerald        On April 27th, 2018 Herman Bell went home to his friends and family. Eligible for parole after 25 years he served 45 years, as a model prisoner. His 8th application for parole was granted by the New York State […]

Kristy Hutter // Far-right group says it welcomes everyone, but some who’ve studied it say it’s an anti-Muslim militia

Three Percenters are Canada’s ‘most dangerous’ extremist group, say some experts | CBC News – The name of the group is a reference to the claim — debated among historians — that only three per cent of Americans took up arms and served in George Washington’s Colonial Army in the American Revolution against the British. […]

Sam Brennan // Population movement in Syria: the link between Idlib and Afrin

Population movement in Syria: the link between Idlib and Afrin | The Strategist – In 2015, Russian air power and foreign ground troops turned the tide of the Syrian civil war in President Bashar al-Assad’s favour. With superior armaments and the influx of veteran fighters, the government retook many rebel-held areas, along with their populations […]

Sam Leviin // Exclusive: #RakemBalogun spoke out against police brutality. Now he is believed to be the first prosecuted under a secretive US effort to track so-called ‘black identity extremists’

Black activist jailed for his Facebook posts speaks out about secret FBI surveillance | World news | The Guardian – Balogun spoke to the Guardian this week in his first interview since he was released from prison after five months locked up and denied bail while US attorneys tried and failed to prosecute him, accusing […]

Prof. Nicholas Johnson // The what and why of Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms

The what and why of <i>Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms</i> – The Washington Post – Much of my scholarship over the last two decades has focused on gun issues. Some find this an odd specialty for someone like me. Negroes and the Gun is a sort of answer to people who […]

4th World Radyo // Mad Melanin: Afro-Sentimentalism; Political Disillusionment and Unpardonable Folly

– Summary: This unscripted, spoken-word dispatch hosted by @TheAngryindian addresses a recent bout of insane, self-colonialised commentary and right-wing historical revisionism from a popular Afro-American musician (who does not seem to mind being the current poster-boy of the alt-Reich/White Supremacist movement) and other acts of Black Conservative lunacy coming from those eagerly queuing-up for an […]

Don’t dress #Marxists up as liberals, Mason by Alex Callinicos

Don’t dress Marxists up as liberals, Mason – Dunayevskaya put forward a powerful interpretation of Marx’s writings, stressing their continuities with the thought of the great German philosopher GWF Hegel. Her views are controversial because Marxists endlessly argue about Marx’s precise relation to Hegel. But she was a tough-minded Marxist who attached particular importance to […]

Henry Farrell // A controversial New York Times article describes several popular white intellectuals as marginalized “renegades.”

The “Intellectual Dark Web,” explained: what Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro have in common with the alt-right – Vox – The thinkers profiled included the neuroscientist and prominent atheist writer Sam Harris, the podcaster Dave Rubin, and University of Toronto psychologist and Chaos Dragon maven Jordan Peterson. The article provoked disbelieving guffaws from critics, who […]

Julie Lalonde // “It’s Not Up to Women to End the Violence We Experience”

Violence Against Women in Canada: Women Can’t Prevent It – Killers write manifestos, Facebook posts and lengthy blogs detailing their misogynist motivations and we still print headlines asking, “Is hatred of women to blame?” Pundits twist themselves into pretzels trying to explain away what women have been screaming since the burning of witches in Salem: […]

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s bust unveiled at University of Massachusetts-Amherst – INDIA New England News

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s bust unveiled at University of Massachusetts-Amherst – INDIA New England News – The unveiling of the bust; which is made of brass, weighing at 40 pounds took place on Saturday 5 May at the Students Union Ballroom. The occasion was graced by the Deputy Chancellor of the University, Steve Goodwin, academics like […]

Joe Concha // Don Lemon: ‘It’s my obligation as a journalist’ to call Trump a racist

Don Lemon: ‘It’s my obligation as a journalist’ to call Trump a racist | TheHill – “If you have the evidence that shows you, that leads you to nothing else but this president being racist, then I feel it’s my obligation as a journalist to say it,” he added. Lemon called the president racist on […]

#ArundhatiRoy on the Rise of #Fascism & Trump’s Embrace of #India’s “Robber Barons” | Democracy Now!

Arundhati Roy on the Rise of Fascism & Trump’s Embrace of India’s “Robber Barons” | Democracy Now! – Extended conversation with award-winning author Arundhati Roy. She won the Booker Prize in 1997 for her novel “The God of Small Things.” In 2017, 20 years after the publication of her first novel, she published another work […]