#Palestine // The European Union and others have called for an investigation into #Israel’s response but the Jewish state has rejected the idea

IDF_2018-05-29_15-38-19.pngAgence France-Presse // Israel accused of using ‘expanding bullets’ designed to permanently maim Palestinian protesters | South China Morning Post – Amnesty International on Friday said some of the wounds appear consistent with bullets that expand inside the body. Such ammunition is considered illegal in international warfare.

“The nature of these injuries shows that Israeli soldiers are using high-velocity military weapons designed to cause maximum harm to Palestinian protesters that do not pose imminent threat to them,” an Amnesty statement said.

It accused Israel of “deliberate attempts to kill and maim” protesters.

In a statement the Israeli army said it was only using “standard weapons and ammunition that are lawful under international law”, and accused Gaza’s health ministry of regularly spreading false information.

Gaza’s severely limited medical facilities have been stretched thin by the number of injuries.

Hajj estimates they have only a few weeks of saline solution and antibiotics left.

They also have only around 50 orthopaedic devices, used to support damaged bones or replace destroyed ones.

“I suspect they will be gone in a week,” he said.