Michael Harriot // Black Harvard Professor, Often Cited to Discredit #BlackLivesMatter, Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Black Harvard Professor, Often Cited to Discredit Black Lives Matter, Accused of Sexual Misconduct  //

Fryer’s other attempts to prove white people’s hypotheses include the theory of “acting white,” expounded in another one of his discredited “studies” that employs bunk research in a desperate attempt to prove the narrative that black people ostracize their best and brightest. As Ivory A. Toldson wrote for The Root in 2013:

Many scholars who claim to find evidence of this theory loosely interpret their data and exploit the expert gap to sell their findings. One of the best examples of this is Roland G. Fryer’s research paper (pdf) “Acting White: The Social Price Paid by the Best and Brightest Minority Students.”

Another one of Fryer’s standout works proving that racism is a myth was a paper that showed white people don’t actually discriminate against black-sounding names, which, again, contradicts all the other available research.


But despite his flawed methodology, Fryer is a darling among the smart, white elite who point to him as a bootstrap-puller. At age 30, he became the youngest African-American professor ever tenured at Harvard, and his introduction always includes the fact that he once worked the drive-thru at McDonald’s.