CIA terrorist Luis Posada Carriles dead at 90

CIA terrorist Posada Carriles dead at 90 – World Socialist Web Site – By Bill Van Auken
24 May 2018

Luis Posada Carriles, a CIA-trained killer responsible for the worst terrorist act carried out in the Americas in the twentieth century, died in a veterans’ home outside of Miami Wednesday morning. He was protected by Washington until the end, living freely in the US despite extradition demands from several countries to face charges of mass murder.

Previously classified CIA files released in November of last year in connection with the declassification of documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy confirmed the long-standing charges that Posada was responsible for organizing the murder of 73 civilians in the 1976 bombing of a Cubana de Aviacion airliner.

The CIA had recruited Posada Carriles in 1965 after he had served two years in the US Army.

He had previously been trained by the CIA at its secret paramilitary camps in Guatemala in preparation for the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. The agency classified him as a demolitions expert.

From 1964 to 1968, he was involved in a series of bombings, assassination attempts and other covert activities against the Cuban government.

In 1973, according to one of the recently declassified CIA files, the agency suspected him of working with known drug traffickers to smuggle cocaine into the US. “Despite above info indicating WKSCARLET-3 [the agency’s code name for Posada Carriles] involved [in] this case, agent worth salvaging and we should make effort to do so,” the file concluded.

Charles P. Pierce, May 23, 2018 // Luis Posada Carriles Dead at 90 – a ‘CIA-Created Frankenstein’ and Anti-Castro Terrorist – Man, just fck this guy. Even though he’s dead. Peter Kornbluh of the invaluable National Security Archive has called Posada a “CIA-created Frankenstein,” and the historical record indicates that Kornbluh may be low-balling it. This is a guy who disguised himself as a priest to break jail in Venezuela, where he was being held in connection with the Cubana bombing, and the first thing he did was go to El Salvador and help Ollie North run the re-supply program that eventually would become the Iran-Contra scandal. In 1997, Posada was linked to a series of hotel and discotheque bombings in Havana. Every act of violent mischief in this hemisphere in which the United States was involved during the mid to late 20th Century has Posada’s fingerprints on it somewhere.

Luis Posada Carriles: The Declassified Record //


– May 18, 2005 – Documents featured on May 17, 2005 edition of

ABC’s Nightline

Washington D.C. May 18, 2005 – The National Security

Archive today posted additional documents that show that the CIA

had concrete advance

intelligence, as early as June 1976, on plans by

Cuban exile terrorist groups to bomb a Cubana airliner. The Archive

also posted another

document that shows that the FBI’s attache in Caracas

had multiple contacts with one of the Venezuelans who placed the

bomb on the plane, and provided him with a visa to the U.S. five

days before the bombing, despite suspicions that he was engaged

in terrorist activities at the direction of Luis Posada Carriles.

Both documents were featured last night on ABC Nightline’s program

on Luis Posada Carriles, who was detained in Miami yesterday by

Homeland Security.

In addition, the Archive posted the first

report to Secretary of State Kissinger from the State

Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research on the bombing

of Cubana flight 455. The report noted that a CIA source had overheard

Posada prior to the bombing in late September 1976 stating that,

“We are going to hit a Cuban airliner.” This information

was apparently not passed to the CIA until after the plane went


There is no indication in the declassified files that indicates

that the CIA alerted Cuban government authorities to the terrorist

threat against Cubana planes. Still classified CIA records indicate

that the informant might actually have been Posada himself who

at that time was in periodic contact with both CIA and FBI agents

in Venezuela.


June 22, 1976, Report, “Possible Plans of Cuban Exile Extremists

to Blow Up a Cubana Airliner”


October 9, 1976, “Unknown Subjects; Suspected Bombing of

Cubana Airlines DC-8 Near Barbados, West Indies, October 6,



Department, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, October 18,

1976, Memorandum, “Castro’s Allegations”

‘Terrorist’ Luis Posada Carriles Dies at 90 | News | teleSUR English – Posada Carriles left his country of origin, Cuba, with the sole intention of ending the Revolution of the island, and for that, he undertook U.S.-sponsored acts of terrorism of which innocent people were victims, including those on board of a plane he bombed in 1976.

On Oct. 6, 1976, Cubana Flight 455 on its way from Barbados to Jamaica was bombed shortly after takeoff, killing 73 people, including the Cuban national fencing team.

In 2011, declassified CIA documents showed that two of the key figures in this terrorist attack were Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, right-wing Cubans who fled the island after the Cuban Revolution of 1959.