Kevin Gosine // Canadian social rights activists are legitimizing the alt-right


/ Associate Professor, Brock University

Canadian social rights activists are legitimizing the alt-right

Social inequalities in Canada

Poverty and inequality are also highly racialized in this country, even if not as pronounced as below the 49th parallel. Tensions between police and particular racialized communities continue to fester. Indigenous and Black Canadians are perennially over-represented in prisons and academic outcomes and opportunity gaps based on race and class pervade our schools.

And of course, there’s the historical racist mistreatment and continuing marginalization of Indigenous peoples.

Yes, Canada is generally more egalitarian — with greater openness to social justice values — than the United States. The election and popularity of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals is evidence of this.

Still, Canadians need to be careful.

Trump’s election last fall can be attributed to numerous variables, but one factor was the populist, right-wing backlash to the “social justice left” that has become prominent in recent decades.

Even as the social justice movement fights for important causes such as racial and gender equality and LGBTQ rights, it’s also seen as stifling debate and dialogue in order to forcefully promote its agenda.

On U.S. college campuses, talks by right-wing commentators like Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos are disrupted and sometimes shut down by often violent demonstrations.