The massacre in #LasVegas is the worst mass shooting in recent memory of Settlers, it did not suffer the most casualties.

Wounded_Knee_at_DuckDuckGo_2017-10-04_10-03-31.pngEnough is enough The massacre in Las Vegas is the… – JFDA_Av
Enough is enough

The massacre in Las Vegas is the worst mass shooting only in recent memory of USA. But it didn’t have the most numerous casualties. It’s not the only one, and, sadly, it will not be the last, considering we have gun-fucking genocidal white supremacists in the White House that refuse to do anything about this. This is a white terrorist act, and the media sought to humanize the killer yet again.
The Pulse nightclub mass shooting in Orlando Florida last year is the deadliest massacre of the LGBTQ community in USA by far. 49 LGBTQ people were massacred, most of them were people of color, including Puerto Rican descendants. There is still a blood ban against LGBTQ people in this forsaken country.

Here are some examples of the deadliest mass shootings in USA history. The tribes people of the First Nations of this continent were deliberately massacred, and USA is responsible for these attacks.

Sand Creek: November 29, 1864, Kiowa County, Colorado.
– 163 Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children were killed. After that initial attack, 400 more of their people were killed at Sand Creek, according to the Southern Cheyenne Chief, Laird Cometsevah.
– Murderers: US Army Colonel John Chivington, a methodist preacher, and the 1st Colorado Cavalry, 3rd Colorado Cavalry, and a company of the 1st Regiment New Mexico Volunteer Cavalry.

Marias River: January 23, 1870. Marias River, Montana.
– Piegan Blackfeet tribes people. 15 men, 212 women and children, 50 of those children were just under the age of 12.
– Murderers: 2nd US Cavalry Regiment and 13th US Infantry Regiment.

Wounded Knee: December 29th, 1890. Pine Ridge, South Dakota.
– 150-300 Lakota men, women, and children.
– Murderers: 7th US cavalry regiment. 20 Medals of Honor awarded.
Bear River: January 29th, 1863. Franklin County, Idaho.
– 410 Shoshone men, women, and children.
– Murderers: 3rd Regiment California Volunteer Infantry.

Yontocket: Autumn of 1853. Yontocket, Del Norte County, California.
– 250-600 Tolowa men, women, elders, and children were killed in the middle of their prayer ceremony. After the attack, one eyewitness saw the murderers burning sacred ceremonial clothing and tribal artifacts, including live infants of the slain Tolowa villagers.
– Murderers: Crescent City California militia.

Medals of Honor were awarded. The largest mass shootings, mass murders, were legal actions, with legal assault weapons, carried out by US government, state government representatives, and local citizen militias and were celebrated by the United States.”