‘Minority Report’ Is Real — And It’s Really Reporting Minorities – Mic

5_10-54-25‘Minority Report’ Is Real — And It’s Really Reporting Minorities – Mic – But then there are the maps produced by companies like PredPol, one of the leading predictive mapping companies, which claim to predict crime ahead of time like it’s an oncoming storm. These systems show colored “hotspots” that say where crime is likely to occur and when. Then police are dispatched for extra time to those locations. There’s no additional recommendations for police behavior but to reduce the likelihood of crime simply by giving those areas extra patrol. “It’s not about getting perpetrators or arresting more people,” Larry Samuels, CEO of PredPol, told Mic. “It’s about getting ahead of crime. And if you reduce the amount of crime in a community, you change the mindset of the community.” PredPol only uses historical crime data that takes in reported crime. The software accounts for where crime happened, when and what kind of crime it was.