Monthly Archives: April 2016

Jeremy Corbyn hasn’t got an ‘antisemitism problem’. His opponents do. | openDemocracy

Jeremy Corbyn hasn’t got an ‘antisemitism problem’. His opponents do. | openDemocracy The most high-profile ‘antisemitism’ case to date implicates Labour MP Naz Shah. In 2014, before Shah became an MP, she reposted an image on Facebook suggesting that the Israel-Palestine conflict be resolved by relocating Israel to the United States. Obviously, there is no […]

Dear Trump: We’ve seen this before. It doesn’t end well.

If elected, Donald Trump said he would require all Muslim-Americans to register in a national database… To carry special ID cards… To be tracked by the government… So a reporter from NBC asked him: “Mr. Trump, why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany?” He had […]

Exclusive: Leaked IDF Report States Soldier Who Shot Palestinian Attacker Driven by ‘Twisted Ideology’ | VICE News:

Exclusive: Leaked IDF Report States Soldier Who Shot Palestinian Attacker Driven by ‘Twisted Ideology’ | VICE News: The 17-page dossier states: * The soldier said before the shooting that the subdued Palestinian “needs to die.” * After the shooting, he told a commander: “He’s a terrorist, he needs to die.” * The soldier “changed his […]

There is a taboo,” said the visionary Edward Said on telling the truth about Palestine

There is a taboo,” said the visionary Edward Said on telling the truth about Palestine – In Latin America, the governments of Brazil, Chile, Venezuela, Bolivia, El Salvador, Peru and Ecuador have made their stand on Gaza. Each of these countries has known its own dark silence when immunity for mass murder was sponsored by […]


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party”, a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties [emphasis added]. It was formed out of the membership and following of […]

How Europe Went Wrong…

Half of Western European men descended from one Bronze Age ‘king’ – [] – Half of Western European men are descended from one Bronze Age ‘king’ who sired a dynasty of elite nobles which spread throughout Europe, a new study has shown. The monarch, who lived around 4,000 years ago, is likely to have been […]

Decolonizing the Mind: The Language of North Africa | Decolonization

Decolonizing the Mind: The Language of North Africa | Decolonization – The Amazigh (pl. Imazighen) are the Indigenous people of North Africa, a region internally called Tamazgha, but often known as part of the “Arab world.” The Amazigh language is Tamazight and is the mother tongue of tens of millions of people in Tamazgha and […]

Binoy Kampmark: Anzac Day Memories: The Sullen Child of History

Anzac Day Memories: The Sullen Child of History – [] –  The Anzac tradition is one of those desperate calls to cling on. It is an attempt to create a baggage of patriotic necessity, stubbornly masculine and oblivious. (Excuses are always needed for creating piles of corpses.) It is an attempt to catch up with […]

#AirbnbWhileBlack: How Hidden Bias Shapes The Sharing Economy : NPR

#AirbnbWhileBlack: How Hidden Bias Shapes The Sharing Economy : NPR – So she ran her own experiment—she shortened her name to just “Tina” and changed her photo to a picture of a landscape. “Ever since I changed my name and my photo, I’ve never had any issues on Airbnb,” Crittenden said. Crittenden’s story fits within […]

White supremacist hacker claims printing of swastika fliers at colleges | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

White supremacist hacker claims printing of swastika fliers at colleges | Jewish Telegraphic Agency – The self-described “white nation­al­ist hack­tivist” sent the fliers to every publicly accessible printer in North America and did not specifically target college campuses, he told various media outlets. The fliers read: “White man … are you sick and tired of […]

Circassian Beauties and the Question of a ‘Pure’ (White) Race

Circassian beauties and the ugly face of race – Al Jazeera English – The long shadow of slavery can also be discerned in this hybrid depiction. American audiences were both intrigued and horrified, given their false association of slavery with Africans, by the fact that Circassian women were among the most sought-after concubines in the […]

Anti-racists fight to defend Narre Warren mosque | Red Flag

Anti-racists fight to defend Narre Warren mosque | Red Flag – The project, Melbourne Masjid, will provide a cultural and social community hub with plans to include sporting facilities, space for community functions, a library and a leisure centre for seniors. Zain Shah, president of the Saarban Islamic Trust, the group applying for the permit, […]

White Women’s Roles in Slavery | KPFA

White Women’s Roles in Slavery | KPFA – Although white women have been largely excluded from histories of the domestic U.S. slave trade, they were in fact active participants in the buying and selling of enslaved Blacks. So argues Stephanie Jones-Rogers; she also elucidates the power slave owners had under federal and state law to […] US Plan to Pull Peacekeepers Out Before Rwanda Genocide | UNREDACTED

The tinderbox of Rwanda’s ethnic tensions ignited in April 1994 and mass violence engulfed the country in one of the swiftest campaigns of genocide in history. The National Security Archive’s Genocide Documentation Project’s collection of declassified documents on Rwanda numbers in the thousands, and includes an April 15, 1994, State Department cable on the U.S.’s decision to […]


SUICIDE AMONG AFRIKAN SLAVEZ: THE VERY LAST RESORT TO FREEDOM | Moorbey’z Blog – It was believed that African Slaves did not commit suicide, but former slave Ida Blackshear Hutchinson told of a girl that committed suicide during an interview, as reported by The National Humanities Center. A young black slave girl by the name […]

No Revolution without the Liberation of Women & No Liberation of Women without the Revolution!: Part One | Signalfire

No Revolution without the Liberation of Women & No Liberation of Women without the Revolution!: Part One | Signalfire – In a booklet titled “Revolutionary Women’s Movement in India” which summarizes the experiences of the Nari Mukti Sangh and how they have fought various problems faced by women; after briefly elaborating the history of the […]

mintpressnews: (Nazi) Skinheads Come Out In Full Force At PA Trump Rally

Skinheads Come Out In Full Force At PA Trump Rally An investigator for the Anti-Defamation League, who asked us not to publish his name, said Keystone United members are regulars at Trump events around the state. They wear their regalia, don’t bother hiding their tattoos, and cheer right along with everyone else as Trump bashes […]

Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk | Inter Press Service

Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk | Inter Press Service – The facts are striking as mentioned in UNEP’ summary of the projected impacts of climate change in Africa. See UNEP’s fact sheet “Climate Change in Africa – What Is at Sake?”, which is based on excerpts from IPCC reports: — By 2020, […]

The Shattering Of Idols: On Afrika Bambaataa and Viral Allegations – MTV

The Shattering Of Idols: On Afrika Bambaataa and Viral Allegations – MTV – It’s impossible to reconcile the image of the Bambaataa who travels the world fighting for the rights of indigenous communities, the spiritually elevated people’s champion, with the idea of him as a predator. But the disbelief of something one does not want […]

Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk | Inter Press Service

Climate: Africa’s Human Existence Is at Severe Risk | Inter Press Service – Other international organisations are similarly trenchant. For instance, the World Bank, basing on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, confirms that Africa is becoming the most exposed region in the world to the impacts of climate change. In Sub-Saharan Africa, […]

Independent Lens | Do Asian Women Have “White Fever”? | Seeking Asian Female | Video Extra | PBS

SAFE Alert – Cultural Appropriation of Lucumí Religion by Non-Initiates » Santeria Church of the Orishas

SAFE Alert – Cultural Appropriation of Lucumí Religion by Non-Initiates » Santeria Church of the Orishas A popular phenomenon we’ve witnessed with the incredible amount of information available on the internet about Lucumí religion, is the cultural appropriation of Lucumí and Yoruban ritual elements by online merchants, Neo-Pagans and Eclectic Magical Workers claiming to be […]

MIA has a problem with Beyoncé and #BlackLivesMatter

MIA has a problem with Beyoncé and #BlackLivesMatter – [] – “It’s not a new thing to me – it’s what Lauryn Hill was saying in the 1990s, or Public Enemy in the 1980s. Is Beyoncé or Kendrick Lamar going to say Muslim Lives Matter? Or Syrian Lives Matter? Or this kid in Pakistan matters? […]

As Officer Who Killed Akai Gurley Gets No Jail Time, Asian Americans Debate Role of White Supremacy – A New York City police officer who killed an unarmed African-American man will serve no time in jail. Officer Peter Liang, who is Chinese-American, fatally shot Akai Gurley in the darkened stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project. In February, a jury convicted Liang of manslaughter and official misconduct, but the judge made the […]

Rural South Africa is on a Precipice

Rural South Africa is on a Precipice – [] – A raft of laws since the advent of democracy has progressively given power over land and people to traditional leaders. An delay of almost 10 years after the first democratic elections of 1994 in defining the roles and powers of chiefs created a vacuum into […]

Former New Orleans cops plead guilty to bridge shootings []

Former New Orleans cops plead guilty to bridge shootings [] – ”The punishments are markedly less severe than those the officers received four years ago: While their previous sentences had carried a collective weight of more than 200 years in prison, the plea deal reportedly reduces that to less than 45 years in total. When […]

Open letter to Irish Central, Irish Examiner and Scientific American about their “Irish slaves… — Medium

Open letter to Irish Central, Irish Examiner and Scientific American about their “Irish slaves… — Medium – Furthermore we are deeply disturbed to find that the Irish Central article (shared on social media over 150,000 times) asserts in its headline that this “Irish slaves” disinformation comes from an “expert” source. What underlines this baseless claim […]

Our Perfect Wedding — Black people mocking black people | Lifestyle | RDM

Our Perfect Wedding — Black people mocking black people | Lifestyle | RDM – Stuart Hall writes, “Cultural symbol is something given in part by the social field into which it is incorporated, the practices with which it articulates and is made to resonate.” With this definition in mind, I would like us to examine […]

4th World Radyo: Conscious Absurdity: The Commonplace Acceptance of Irrational Bollocks

Summary: (Warning: Rough Language) TheAngryindian again engages in unscripted spoken word in an attempt to deconstruct the political and social chaos that is the North American political scene and the US political Left-Wing in general. This is not a direct criticism of the American Progressive movement as much as it is an expression of the […]

[WATCH] Race: The Legacy of Political and Social Cowardice | The Progressive Army

[WATCH] Race: The Legacy of Political and Social Cowardice | The Progressive Army – Conservative views, propaganda and rhetoric have disarmed many. Black children are better served if they know the actual history of our nation, the resultant obstacles and strategies to defeat those obstructions. This method is how we best prepare our young people […]