Interview: ‘Central Park Five’ Directors Talk To S&A About The Film, Challenges, Hopes, Potential Follow-up, More… | Shadow and Act

As I noted in my reaction to the film after I saw it about 2 weeks ago, The Central Park Five is an informative, infuriating affirmation of America’s racial animus.

For those planning on seeing it when it opens in theaters this Friday, or when it airs on PBS in 2013 (and I certainly hope all of you will indeed make a concerted effort to see it), expect to be provoked, to be enraged, but in the best of ways.

The film, a fine piece of heightened documentary reporting, simply presents the facts, and does so exhaustively, despite what seem like attempts by the City Of New York to contest them, or at least to use them to help in their defense against the pending $50 million federal lawsuit filed by the defendants (the Central Park Five – Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise) 9 years ago.

As co-director Ken Burns noted, it’s ironic that the city would issue subpeonas now, given that the city repeatedly rejected his requests for interviews, which would have given them the opportunity to challenge the evidence the film presents, or at least tell their side of the story.

via Interview: ‘Central Park Five’ Directors Talk To S&A About The Film, Challenges, Hopes, Potential Follow-up, More… | Shadow and Act.