Where do you Stand on this issue?

Rosa Rubicondior: Do You Disagree With God About Slavery? – If you’re a humanist and/or an Atheist you’ll have no doubt at all: abolition of slavery was one of the great social advances and righted a monstrous and hideous wrong. But, if you’re a Christian who looks to the Bible for your morals, and you agree with us that slavery was wrong, perhaps you should think again. You either have to believe you have higher moral standards that the people who wrote the Bible, or you believe there is nothing wrong with slavery. The first thing to point out is, there is not a hint of condemnation of slavery anywhere in the Bible. Throughout the Old and New Testaments there is nothing but acceptance of slavery as a perfectly normal part of everyday life; something that doesn’t raise the slightest concern or a hint of a moral qualm. There are even instructions on how to treat slaves, when and how to kill or beat them, who you can own, etc. In the Bible, slaves are not even regarded as human beings. Take these two passages: